Thursday, 26 March 2015

Hit and Run

The other day my dad's car was hit while it was parked,  the paintwork was scratched on one side. The driver didn't stay at the scene he just drove away.

I look forward to the day when cars drive themselves because accidents would be very rare events and travelling would be a carefree experience.

Arcade closures

Throughout the UK arcades are closing down. Yesterday I saw for myself, the great funland of the Trocadero is being  turned into a hotel. All that's left of it is the basement.

I think the problem with arcades is that they try to buy the machines that make the most money and not the machines that attract people. The machines charge £1 per play. The machines should be free and there should be one charge for a whole session. Perhaps even a subscription that lets you play the machines for as long as you wish. Like £8 for a whole day and £24 a month for unlimited use of the arcade.

It is true that games are cheap and people have their own games consoles but people don't have room in their home for a tilting fibreglass motorbike or an in car gaming system. It is the physical hardware that gives the arcade its character. Plus all the lights and scenery and loud noises. The arcade atmosphere is what makes it special.

One day some guy will stand up and deal with this problem. He will make subscription arcades with pool tables and bowling alleys and all the works. One day the arcade will rise again and be the popular profitable premises for joy seekers.

Who will that man be....

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Car M.O.T.

My car is being tested for road worthiness. I hope that it passes without any issues. I have had quite a few surprise bills this month. It is a newish car so I think it should be fine. If there is any issues then it should be fine. I guess the best way to remain calm is to remember that there is always someone in a bigger pickle than myself. I was listening on the radio and heard that Angelina Julie is having preventative cancer treatment. It makes waiting for mot result like a breeze in comparison.

I have many hopes in this world one is a smooth existence.

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Spring is here

The spring equinox is about to come and bring the start of the warmer seasons. I can already see blossom on the trees and the magpies are back in large numbers along with wood pigeons and a small cluster of hardy insects.

Soon everything will come back to life and there will be barbecues and garden parties.

It is a pity about the recent partial eclipse that was obscured by the clouds in London but what can you do?

I have certainly noticed the longer days and they are most welcome. I can almost go outside in my t shirt but not quite yet, I'll give it a few more weeks. This year I intend to do more free sports in the park such as tennis and basket ball. I quit my swimming membership and need to replace it with something.

On April the 5th it will be Easter Sunday and the first week of April will be an Easter holiday.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Here comes spring

Spring is nearly here, but not before major events have taken place.
We are about to witness another eclipse for the first time in years.

The government of UK have changed the budget.

Feeling better is great

I'm feeling much better now, the last two days have been terrible but now my health is back to normal.

Yesterday I went to some museums still feeling slightly ill. I wonder if my virus was spread. There were tourists in the museums and I wonder if they caught my virus and took it back with them to their countries.

The RAF museum is wonderful and full of interesting aircraft. Well worth visiting. It is free entry and full of aircraft.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Feeling sick is lame

I had a long list of things I wanted to get done in the last few days but I was feeling ill, I feel like I have been robed by a virus.

The cold virus left me in my bed for 16 hours, how lame is that.

I took some lemsip and flooded my body with coffee. Feeling ok for now.

What I want to know is why I didn't flood my body with coffee yesterday? Lesson learned.

Saturday, 14 March 2015

The itch to create

Never has there been a time in my life when I was more creative than I am now. I have a burning desire to create wonderful products and accomplish something amazing.

The book i created is just the start. There is a village inside my head waiting to get out. Fields of mind flowers waiting to open. Rivers of thoughts. Avenues of light.

I want one of those wonderful products to be a reality. Let it happen soon let it happen now.

Wonderful Dreams

I have set some wonderful goals and dreams in the hope that I may be able to achieve them in the near future.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Next step

I have decided to make 4 new e books at the same time because my inspiration and ideas are non linear. They don't form into a queue. They just come into my head at random times.

I hope to make a family of popular computer games and e books and even get an online radio station in the near future.

I'll tweak the promotional settings every month until my products become successful.

I even have a dream of making a real model museum that you can walk into through a camera armed robot.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Mission complete

My E book has now been published.
I hope that it becomes very successful and makes a lot of money.

For a man like me making a lot of money is a good thing because I would appreciate it. I'm not greedy, I just have big dreams and hopes for the future.

I would love to be involved in humanitarian projects and science projects like making probes that explore the Earth, all these things cost money.

Having a good life is also on my list of things I would like to do, like living in a nice house with no financial concerns and hosting parties every month.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Self publish revolution

On the night of 03/03 2015 I took part in the self publish revolution. I went to the kdp web page and filled out all the information about my e book in the hope that I have finally made a product that makes a profit.

Now all I can do is hope that my e book is successful and that the launch is flawless.

We are living in an age of opportunity where an ordinary person can become a made man and have rapid prosperity

I hope this is a breakthrough and that I have a good lifestyle. There is few things in this world that would bring tears to my eyes but telling my family and close friends I'm a made man would be up there along with the last bit of the e.t. movie, Schindler's list and telling a 4 year old their pet needs to be put down.

Monday, 2 March 2015

Rediscovery and KDP

Today I was searching for a Google narrator  app to read through my completed e book and pick out any grammar mistakes  that I may have missed before uploading it to KDP. I found Blogger instead. I forgot all about it for years, I thought it would  be a good idea to post to my social media from one place and just share it with the others as a link. One feed for all so to speak. 

It is run by google and so I already have a blogger account. Google is like a rabits hole, they have developed so many software packages  

I can only hope the kindle direct publishing makes my e book successful. 

Elections in May

The UK  general election will open in may, remember it isn't the party that is important but making sure your local MP is on the same page as you are.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...