Monday, 28 December 2015


I am so happy and grateful for my good health and my ability to change my life for the better. Things will change for the better because I never give up.

Every day that comes is another opportunity to grow and become a better person.

Saturday, 26 December 2015

Queen's speech

On Christmas day the Queen did a speech. She talked about the origin of the Christmas tree, how it was her ancestors  Victoria and Albert that started the tradition. She acknowledged the Norwegians that send a large Christmas tree to London every year to say thank you for liberating them from the Germans. 

Her main message was love and how Jesus was persecuted and treated terribly but he remained consistent with his message to love others.

I think it was a very good speech and the Queen is a Top lady, she consistently serves Britain. On her two birthdays she puts on horse and troop parades that attract thousands of tourists and she goes out on diplomatic missions to promote good outcomes and I think she cares about her people. I hope she has good health for many years and stays on the throne for a long time.

Friday, 25 December 2015

Christmas message

Merry Christmas to you and a happy new year.

I wish you a happy and constructive 2016, with harmony in your social and work life. If I didn't wish you a happy birthday on Facebook then forgive me because I sometimes miss Facebook for days at a time.

I wish that all bad deeds scheduled for you are cancelled and good deeds are kept intact.

My message to you is to keep your chin up when you have a bad day and to recognise when you are having a good one. Never leg go of your dreams and goals, even if they went south and flopped in the past. Try not to get angry when you are wronged by others but to walk away from it with a good state of mind. If you have a problem then try to make that problem look small in your mind and make your rewards look big, perspective is everything. Fill your mind with at least one good memory every week.

May you to have all the desires of your heart, good health and prosperity all the days of your life until the day you die.

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Shortest day

Today I am grateful for LBC radio because it costs me nothing to listen and it makes the day better to get through.

Today is the shortest day of the year, this  shows that Christmas predates Christianity. Europeans always knew this week in the year as a very special time. They would know that after this week the days would improve and get longer.  They knew that this is the shortest and darkest day. Even before Christianity was around Europeans would cheer themselves up with parties and festivals.

It is quite windy so I sense that the temperature may drop a lot very soon because when the temperature changes it is always  preceded by strong winds.

Saturday, 19 December 2015

Dear Santa Claws

Dear Santa, I should be on your naughty list by now but that's fine because I just want socks or perhaps a amazon/ google play gift card

Ho ho ho ho...

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Star wars the force awakens

The new star wars movie is being released to the cinemas. I believe this is the 7th episode to be made. When I was younger I didn't understand why there was star was episode 4, 5 and 6 but not episode 1, 2 and 3. He made the films in reverse so we knew that there would be 3  prequels to the movie I guess. We knew that Darth Vader would be a much younger man if he appeared in the movies.

I have a confession to make. I'm not a big fan of star wars. I like star wars a little bit but not that much. I am a big fan of alien invasion movies though because they tap into our deeper fears like the idea that we could one day be attacked by an alien civilisation. They are believable because it is possible that one day alien star ships could arrive at our planet and cause chaos. This is well because independence day requiem is about to be released and I loved the first independence day. In this movie the aliens are back to attack Earth again.

Today I am so happy and grateful that there is a lot of fiction in the world because it is entertaining and makes the world less boring.

I am also grateful that we have capacity to make up stories.

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Frost uses

Frost is on the way to Europe and North America,

I was wondering what uses there are for frost.


A cupboard can be placed outside and used as a fridge. Beer and soft drinks can be cooled by the cold air from outside.

If you have a cold and feel hot you can walk outside to cool off.

The cold air outside could also be pumped into fridges to lower your electric bill.

Frost can also be used to create temporary structures like roads over rivers.

I wonder what else the frost could be used for? I wonder .

I am grateful that I am able to wonder.

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Floods up north

Up north in Cumbria and Scotland a storm called Desmond caused the local rivers to burst their banks and flood the nearby towns and villages.

The places that were flooded have a history of flooding. Perhaps future house building in the area should be built on platforms that float or the houses should be on stilts so the flood water passes harmlessly under the building.

I am most grateful that my home has not been flooded.

Monday, 7 December 2015

Engagement out in the open

I got Engaged to Cynthia recently and announced our intentions earlier in the week on Facebook. We intend to marry around October 2016.

We met on social media on the internet and were friends for over 3 years. As we got to know one another we fell in love and although she lives far away she is my sole mate and we both feel love for one another.

We first met in person in Amsterdam centraal train station next to a community piano by the entrance earlier in the year.

So far we get along very well and hope to have a lasting marriage. I love her and her family and the Booth family welcomes her.

She has changed me and I have now learned to love music. This is the greatest thing that happened to me so far in my life and is almost like a dream.

Today I am grateful for my girlfriend and for the air that I breathe.

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Winter blues

Winter is about to arrive here in the UK and the short days are very depressing. They make me just want to sleep all the time.

Well, got to keep my chin up and try and look on the bright side of things. I was thinking of buying a classic style fibre optic strand lamp because my younger brother had one in the past and it is very pretty to look at.

I am so happy and grateful for seeing Venus rise with the sun two days ago because the clouds and skyline in my country often stops me from seeing it and I give thanks for prosperity that is due.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Air strike, my verdict

The cabinet have voted in favour of air strikes.

I think this is silly because the terrorists will hide and the missiles will kill innocent people.

If you didn't vote then you should shut up because you didn't help elect any peace loving mp.

This whole conflict won't end well because the Russians are playing for keeps and intend to put Assad back on the hot seat. This whole conflict is a waste and you can't stop terrorists with missiles. Silly silly silly!

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...