Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Belgium airport attacks

Today I am grateful for the radio because it is free and I know what is happening in the world. I have tune in radio on my phone so I listen to it through my phone's internet.

Yesterday I learned that there was an explosion at Brussels airport and at a metro station in the city.

I felt angry at first but then I thought what is the point? Why be angry when it won't accomplish anything. There is no point doing that. I won't waste my energy anymore. Just hope for the best and keep my chin up and strive for better things.

I pity typical Muslims because they will be judged by some as the same as the terrorists. Most Muslim people are not interested in violence and terrorism. I'm sure most Muslims don't see the Isis terrorists as Muslims at all. 

A time will come when people can just get by without feeling a need to attack others. The question should not be if but when.

That is all I have to say..
Until my next entry I give thanks for life and opportunities.

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Google Car, excuse the pun

Today I am grateful for birds, spring is nearly here so we will see many of them in the coming weeks.

Yesterday I learned that there is one thing that is more stressful than waiting for a vehicle safety test, thinking your google account has been hacked. My google account has thousands of products attached to it including this blog, my 3 other blogs, YouTube videos and all the book pages that I have written and e mails. So many things are being guarded by that one little password. I changed the password but it turned out to be a false alarm, it's a long story so I won't divulge.

Well, when my car passed the vehicle safety test (with a few fault fixes) I was relieved twice because my google account is intact and so is my car. Isn't it ironic that a google self drive car crashed into a bus earlier this month.

Until next time, I am thankful for all the good things I will have in the near future.

Monday, 21 March 2016

M.O.T. test

Today I am grateful that I can drive and I have a car because I need it to run the vending business and to get about properly.

I have submitted my car for an M.O.T test today and a full service. I hope my car is in good enough condition to pass the test without any extra cost.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

St Patric's day

Today I am grateful for no war in my home land,

Today it is my mum's birthday and it is st Patrick's day. My Mum spent her birthday looking over granny in the hospital.

I still hope granny gets better very soon.

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Granny's a little better

Today I am grateful that I have good memories and hope to create many more soon.

I believe that Granny is a little better and hope she will leave the hospital feeling fine.

The life we live is short so every day we need to create one good memory and try to happy. I know in winter that is tricky. I go on holiday once a year and try to make the most of the time.

I try to make one thing every day and a part of one thing every day also in the hope that I will leave behind a river of light.

I am thankful my future wealth and a world the will heal itself.

Friday, 11 March 2016

Video in bed

Today I am grateful for my fingers because they make things.

Today while I was half asleep I made and edited a video for YouTube while I was lying down in my bed. It is called alan's log | who's the wise guy?

I am more reflective when I lie down in my bed so the topic was historic.

I  give thanks in advance for all my future possessions.

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Granny will recover

Today I am grateful that my granny has survived.

She is very ill but I have faith that she will recover and walk out of the hospital feeling much better.

I want my Granny to see my future children and I am writing down here now that she will be ok. She will see some more years of good health and the pain she has now will evaporate.

I feel very stressed but I have vision for her good health. She will be ok. She will be ok. She will be ok.

I have a vision of her issue melting away. Not only will she be well but free of pain.

Monday, 7 March 2016

Blog openly and fly away

Today I am so happy and grateful that I am still alive and well.

Today I have decided not to hide any of my blog material from my main feed on Facebook but to post to my main feed and blog page together.

If I annoy people then they can hide my posts from their newsfeed by clicking on the top right corner of the post and selecting hide or don't follow button. The "Alan's log" Facebook page will have the same content as my main feed but the posts will be public and contain hash tags. The main feed will be friends only privacy and just headings with no hash tags.

I had issues this week with the internet so I could not stay online long enough to buy my flight tickets to Peru in may, I will try again today.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...