Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Deep space threat

The UK government recently opted to upgrade their Nuclear deterrent. I don't know if that is good or bad. What I do know is that there is a bigger threat to everyone. The threat is deep space.

Large fast moving objects are moving through space. When one of them strikes the Earth it could destroy the food chain and cause the death of millions of people. It is also possible that mankind could become extinct.

I don't understand why we are prepared to shoot missiles at other countries and not to stop Asteroids and Comets from colliding with earth. Is the Deep space object collision not inevitable?

Today I am grateful that the disaster has not happened and I am also pleased that world war 3 has not started and may never start if we are wise.

Sunday, 17 July 2016

Globes and maps are upside down

Today I am grateful for the Earth because without it we're nothing. It is a space ship that flies in a circle around the sun and keeps us alive.

When I look at the Earth I see it differently, to me Antarctica and Australia are at the top of the Earth and Europe, North America and Russia are at the bottom. I live in England but I still see it that way, Why? Because the South is well defined, Antarctica is a land mass directly on the top and is surrounded by an unbroken expanse of ocean. This would make it the top of the planet. And the Earth emits magnetic particles from the south pole and they land on the North pole. It is like a Geyser spraying energy but the Geyser is on the other side.  It is not spraying from the North but from the south.

I feel like all the maps in the world are upside down. In my version if the world I am living on the bottom portion of the planet. Argentina, New Zealand, Australia, and Antarctica are on the top of the planet. And there is one thing to remember, there is no up or down in space.

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Second female UK leader

Today I am grateful for free news because I learn about the world around me at no cost.

Today Theresa May will take the helm in the uk and become the second female Prime Minister since our democracy began. A prime minister or PM is the UK title for political leader (The Queen is not a political leader). David Cameron will step down today.

I have high hopes for her and hope she keeps the uk in good shape. I don't care if she is boring or cold hearted.  I just hope she can give us a smooth exit from the EU political union and lead us to prosperity.

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...