Thursday, 15 September 2016

e golf

Of all the computer games in the world I prefer to play golf. This mocks the graphics of consoles because they are under used. What is the point having a play station if you are going to play a golf game that would work on a mobile phone?

To me in my adult hood it is a fun game because you are managing the itinerary, the club and how the ball is hit. It is a bit like candy crush and games like that.

I am grateful for all the games in the world in this short life.

Monday, 12 September 2016

commander keen

When I was young there was one computer game that I really liked. I loved to play commander keen because it was very well made and fun. The game was Keen 4 to be exact/It was a 2D side scrolling game. The character was a young boy with a sports helmet on, he had a stun gun and a Pogo stick. He would interact with the levels in different ways by turning on switches and picking things up.

The sounds in the game were also wonderful, the enemies were well animated. To me it was one of the greatest games of all time.

The game  also had a top down level lobby and when he completed a level he would throw a flag marked K onto a flag pole next to the level.

I often wonder if ID software the company that made keen would make keen 3d or a new commander keen game. Well we will see.

Sunday, 11 September 2016

Losing my training wheels

When I was a young boy my Dad bought me a bike. I think I was about seven years old. It had an orange colour and training wheels, I didn't know how to balance my bike on 2 wheels so the two training wheels stopped the bike from falling over. The training wheels were raised slightly from the ground so it was possible to balance on 2 wheels and be aware of it with the training wheels on but if the bike tilted slightly then a training wheel would make contact with the ground and stop the bike from falling.

I wanted to be able to ride my bike on 2 wheels but 3 things are needed that I had to learn. Firstly, I had to balance my bike and secondly I had to sustain the balance long enough to gain momentum and thirdly I had to shift my weight slightly when I steered left or right. All these things could not be taught to me verbally, I had to figure it out for myself, just like when I learnt to walk. I will never forget the day I lost my training wheels.

One day I was riding my bike and I noticed that the training wheels were not touching the ground, I felt euphoria at that moment because I knew at that point that I was one with my small vehicle. It was a small thing but to me it was awesome. I was filled with joy. I remember taking my bike to the park one day and riding up and down, I think the park was called Montrose park, there was a train line on a dyke that ran parallel to the park and I remember racing a train on my bike.

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Diseases get sick

There is one thing that amazes me in this world, diseases can get diseases. This works on more than one level, let me explain.
The microbe that causes malaria can itself be infected by a virus called a phage. The virus will kill the microbe just like a virus kills cells but this virus is not interested in your cells.
When you catch the cold virus your body makes antibodies, these are proteins that attach to the virus and block the viruses ability to infect cells. This is like catching a disease because the proteins interfere with the virus functions. 

all I can say is wow

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...