Saturday, 30 September 2017

Stupid git

Today while I was driving to work two men walked on the road like it was a pavement and was blocking my car from  getting me to work quickly, they turned their heads and looked at me and my car like I was annoying them. They are so stupid. One day they will do that to the wrong person, perhaps a distracted driver or a car that is going too fast. The fucking road is for cars and the pavement is for predestrians​, it is so simple.   

Is it me or do people these days have no sense? They just walk on the road without looking and have no respect for motorists.

I opened my Facebook page and saw that people are leaving my page. Fine go and look at cats falling over and fake news articles. This is real. I hope that everyone that doesn't like my page just leave at the same time. If you don't like my page then you should not follow it.

Friday, 29 September 2017

What September means to me

For me, September has been a very busy month. I worked many hours more than normal. In the world, nature released some huge beasts, many gigantic cyclones and powerful Earthquakes hit the Americas. Long range balistic missiles were fired in the Pacific. Tensions flared on the world stage between North Korea and NATO nation's and the UN.  An amazing probe ended it's mission in the Saturn planet system and crashed into the planet and a failed terror attack occurred on the London transport system on the same day. World war 3 was on the lips of many people. I only hope for the best. Negociations for the UK exit from the EU political union and trading block was under way with various reports about the progress. Media in the UK was dominated by the Brexit negociations.

What is in store for October? All I know is there will be Halloween on the last day.

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Uprise & progress

One question I often ask is what is in store for 2020. Will the 2020s be the best decade we have.

I think between now and the 2020s the world will completely change. Earlier in the week I saw fighting in the Uganda parliment. I felt happy for them because the leader wanted to change the age limit so he could stay in power. They were fighting off corruption and corruption is the only thing that is holding them back. The whole African continent will grow a lot if they overcome corruption. I believe that they will be the greatest superpower in the world if they fight off corruption. Many resources are present within the content.

I am grateful in advance for my greatest decade so far because I believe that Me and my wife will be happy and well settled.

Saturday, 23 September 2017

Departed and departing

Yesterday was the birthday of my granny that passed away. Her departure was positive in a way because she was freed from a very painful state of being. I am sure she is in a very blissful place. A place of paradise​ where joy overflows and fills all that are there. It would be nice if people could come back and tell me the wonders of the next journey.

Feeling sadness for a lost family member is nothing new to me. From a young age I had to deal with a great loss and went to school feeling very depressed. Life is short and one must reach out for meaning and reason and find happiness from within. There are often less then ten decades before it ends. I will try to make every day count.

May this short life we have be fruitful and complete.


Earlier in the week the internet taxi company Uber, lost it's license to operate in London. I feel pity for all the drivers that earn a living from Uber in London. The people that make these decisions sit in their ivory towers unaffected personally by their verdict.
Zero hours contracts are challenging but they can be very useful to the right person. It could be a flexible way of multiplexing a person's time. A person could run a business while they wait to be summoned by the company for work. An example would be that a plumber could sign in when no one calls to fix their pipes and sign out when they are called. 

Another issue connected to cars is how they could all be powered by the sun. My answer would be that they are already powered by the sun. The two fuels that the cars use, Oxygen and Hydro-Carbon liquid (gasoline/diesel) were produced by organisms that were powered by sunlight. There is plenty of energy to go around, we just need to harness it.

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

September so far

This month has been eventfal.

Half way through the month, the Cassini space probe ended it's mission by deliberately plowing into Saturn and collecting data as it went. On the same day a bucket full of explosives were placed on a London tube and partically detonated at Parsons green station, to me it was the day terrorism and science mingled.

Throughout the month, powerful storms battered the coastlines of America and neighbouring countries. Mexico had two powerful earthquakes.

Every single day of this month, journalists scrutinised, defended, criticised and questioned the  progress of Brexit. It was very hard to go through a day without hearing people on TV and radio discussing and debating the progress of Brexit. The word "Brexit" is the term that coins the British exit from the EU political union and trading block.

North Korea fired balistic missiles over Japan and created a very grim outlook for world peace.

And the month continues...

Sunday, 17 September 2017

New Ten pound note

The new ten pound note has been released, It may be the last new instance of physical money in my lifetime in the UK.

On this new ten pound note, Charles Darwin has been replaced by Jane Austin, she is a famous English writer. I have never read "pride and prejudice" or any other books she wrote because I'm not into novels. I am more into true life mystery factual books and back stories to sci-fi movies but I'm sure her work is outstanding.

If I designed a Ten pound note, it would not have any faces on it at all. It would have the UK flag and rough map of the UK with the main roads on it. And three transport maps of the three biggest cities, and of course it would have  all the security trimmings such as water marks and holograms and micro printing. It would have the number ten in the middle of it.

Saturday, 16 September 2017

October, the month of change ?

Will October be the most busy month of my life. We will see.

Will Halloween on the last day of October be a day when I am happy and satisfied with my progress. Or will I go into November disappointed?

It feels really cold these days. It is like it is barely above zero at night. I wonder if we will have a cold winter this year that is free of ice.

Friday, 15 September 2017

Loser steals the stage

The world stage has been stolen by a loser. A low life fool and loser decided to launch a terrorist attack on the London tube network.

The world stage has overlooked the Cassini end mission. The probe is crashing into Saturn deliberately today because it has finally run out of fuel and completed all it's missions. On it's final mission it will send back loads of data about the Saturn atmosphere and possibly some awesome close up pictures of the Gas giant. Very few people know that it is on this very day. I am tired of these loosers stealing air time from amazing events because of their gullible ideology. They are a disease to mankind.

Something​ amazing is happening millions of miles away but something nasty happen​ed just 5  km from me. It is like a loser Eclipse, blocking the light of enlightenment.

The day when a great probe finished its work is the same day a loser got started. That is how I will remember this amazing event. Shame on mankind for allowing stupid thoughts and ignorance to prevail in their minds.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...