Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Being Judged

One of the worst things about my community is that they are very judgemental. People will look at you and make judgements about you all the time. The problem with that is that they have an image of you that is a lie. False images of people flow like a river.

One example is I am a vegetarian, I don't eat meat. I was offered a ham sandwich and I told them I don't eat meat. The person that offered me the sandwich could not believe that I am a vegetarian. They said you don't look like a vegetarian. I said, what does a vegetarian look like? They just kept repeating that I am a liar, to the point that I was annoyed.

Another time I was reading a book and told that I don't look like a person that reads a book. Again, I spend most of my life reading and thinking deeply about life and it's mysteries. It is so annoying when people look at you and make judgements about you that are total lies.

Another time I was walking down the road and sensed that the lady in front of me was afraid of me. She thought I was a creep that was following her. I was going my own way in my own direction. I was not following her and I felt awkward because I don't want to be judged as a creep when I am not.

Sometimes people think that I am obsessed with sport. I have hardly any interest in sport whatsoever, I like to play golf and pool from time to time but I never watch sport on TV. It just don't interest me. They would say that I am English and must be obsessed with football. But I am Alan, I find football to be very boring. I am a unique person with their own personality.

You can put me into a box if you want but at the end of the day I am a unique person and don't belong in a box. All you are doing is generalising people.

Saturday, 26 January 2019

Meeting God

There are three things that are holding me back from being a Christian, they are

and History.

When I read about Moses, I find that he killed many people. He killed the Egyptian slave master and he killed all his own people that were worshiping idols. Moses is a man. He is a flawed man and he is not God. why should I turn away from God because of a Man. He was used as a messenger but he was just a man. The other thing is Hell. It would bother me if people that I knew in life were being tortured with fire for all eternity because of sins committed in the space of a life time. I don't think that hell is like that. I think that hell is a second death. Hell would be a place where people get what they deserve. God is perfect and torturing a person for millions of years is not a perfect thing.
The other thing is history. People burned other people alive in the name of Christianity. Again, burning a man because he knows Mars does not orbit Earth is something done by People not God. I have been allowing people to stop me from being a Christian.

Meeting God would be amazing and a feast for the mind, I could ask God what the core of Jupiter looks like and he could show me. I could ask what my ancestors were like and get an answer. I could ask to see other wonders of the universe and God could show me. Meeting the one all knowing perfect creator of the universe would be the most amazing thing in my existence. I would know that the creator is perfect and I would be given punishment that I deserve and it would be perfect justice from a perfect creator. If I am forgiven for my bad deeds then it would be from a perfect God that is able to forgive completely and pardon any retribution.

I must read the scriptures more and learn more about God. I will learn more about Jesus Christianity.

Saturday, 12 January 2019

Being English

One thing I have noticed is that people will try to change history to fit their own point of view . They will say that the Jewish people never had two kingdoms on the east edge of the Mediterranean coast in the ancient times. They will say they stole the land from another country although Palestine is a region, not a country.  One day people will have strange definitions of what it means to be British, I feel obligated to clarify things.

I will simplify the answer. Being British means to live on the Island of Britain for most of your life. I can go to Germany to work for 5 years and still be British because most of my life I lived on the British Island.

Some people in Northern Ireland call themselves British but I don't see them as British. I see them as part of the Kingdom but being British is exclusive to the Island of Britain.

Being English is different because it is as much a product as a Nation. The English are a Nation within the island of Britain but being English is more complicated. Many people say the English are descendants of the German Saxon settlers but that is not true because many settlers came from Scandinavia and at one time, half of this side of the island was Dane law land. So you would then say, well then you are half Saxon and half Viking. This is also wrong because the Norse invaded in 1066 and they were French. You may then say, "ok, so they are part Saxon, Part Viking, Part Norse". But that wouldn't be true because there was already people living there before the Saxons and many thousands of Protestant exiles came there to scape Catholic persecution and other people settled here in recent years to help rebuild our post war society.

No race, tribe or ideology owns English heritage. We are the product of different settlers choosing brotherhood over war. England is the flower of cooperation between different people that put down their swords and sat together and became Brothers in toil. To be English two things are needed. You must live most your life on the English part of Britain and accept that you are part of the English family. Many people that are born in England call themselves British because their parents are foreign. I feel sad when they do that because it is like rejection of their place in the English family.

The reason they do this varies, some people reject their place in the English family because they feel ashamed of the historical fruits of our nation. Every nation on Earth did bad deeds in the past. Others reject their English heritage because they are afraid of rejection. There are many reasons but I hope all people that are here to stay can stand up and call themselves English no matter how they look and what they believe.

Accept your place in the English family and call yourself English if want to. Rule Britannia! The land of Hope and Glory.

Thursday, 10 January 2019

Lord Fist4meat

The other day, one of many celebrities came on TV to explain how he thinks Brexiteers are stupid with his big mouth. I won't name him, let's just call him Lord... "Fist for Meat". I read Fist4Meat's books back at the turn of the millennium and got the impression that he was a Eurosceptic himself.

I just wish they would shut up! Being a celebrity doesn't make you an expert economist. I think that Lord Fist4Meat should except the cold meaty facts, that the British people don't want to be part of the EU or get a Microwave and shut up.

If the media keeps having a frenzy about Brexit then they will scare away all the investment and devalue our currency.

Friday, 4 January 2019

I don't exist

One conclusion that I came up with recently is that I actually don't exist. If you are reading this now you would think that is ridiculous, how could I write this blog entry if I don't exist?

Here is my reasoning, If I took a time scale of one thousand billion years then I could say that more than 500 billion years of that time contains no evidence I ever existed. My body and present consiousness has gone. Most the atoms that my body is made of has been destroyed through radioactive decay. All memories of me have long gone and the planet that is my home no longer exists. It is possible that the universe as we know it no longer exists at that point also. All matter has decayed away into energy and  disappeared and there is no evidence that our universe was ever present.

If I draw a picture and it is burned up by fire or if I never draw the picture, the outcome would be the same; there is no picture. The picture does not exist.

Eternity is the most important thing to most human beings. We reach out for our creator and God because we need purpose and eternity to merit our existence.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...