Thursday, 28 February 2019

Fake Christians

One thing I have noticed from observing everything carefully as I am able to is that throughout history almost all churches were fake and had nothing to do with Christ. This is the thing that was confusing me as a man with an agnostic nature.

Unlike most the people in the Bible, Jesus was a blameless man and never harmed a single person in any way. There is one story I remember well, Jesus came across a Woman that was about to be stoned to death for adultery and he persuaded the villagers to let her go then he forgave her for her sins.

When the churches tied all the people that disagreed with them to a post and burned them alive, they showed the history books that they are nothing like the blameless, loving and wonderful Jesus the Messiah. Jesus treated sinners as people that were sick, he tried to heal them and restore them.

People went to war in the name of Christianity but Jesus never approved of war or violence. If you judge any person in this world, you judge people by their fruits.

What comes out of a person? Is it violence, bigotry, tyranny or hate. Is it love, peace, harmony or blamelessness?

Wednesday, 27 February 2019

The cooper amendment

Yesterday the UK government voted on the Cooper amendment. The Cooper amendment is a proposed update of the Brexit negotiations. One of the key aspects of the amendment is not to rule out a no deal scenario.

The commons chamber voted in favour for the Cooper amendment. I think this means they are not allowed to walk away without a deal.

I don't know if it is just me but.. wouldn't ruling out walking a way without a deal weaken our stand? All the MEPs would know that the UK can't just walk away. Wouldn't they now know that the UK must take a deal, even if it is a bad one.

I guess they hate Therasa's deal
So much that they would rather delay Brexit than agree to it.

I hope they just sort it all out and get it finished because the currency is worth less every time Brexit is delayed.

Monday, 25 February 2019

Question to self

There is one question that I think every person should ask. What would the world be like if I was never born? Would the world be a better place without me? Or would it be a little bit worse.

Some people in this world do no good at all. They leave a trail of destruction and misery and exploit other people. If people like that were never born then the world would be a better place. It is a sobering thought to think, if the world and society is better off without you.

I sometimes ask myself this question and I think no because I don't destroy things or people and I give to society (through my taxes). I see myself as a good person with no hate inside me. My hope is that my descendents could answer "worse without me". I hope they know in their minds that the world is not a better place without them in it.

Saturday, 23 February 2019

Fly Paper

Last week a colleague from my job was burgled. Intruders broke into his home and stole some of his possessions.

If I was in charge a police force of a district, I would draw inspiration from fly paper. Just like thieves, flies intrude in people's homes. They steal a small amount of food and worse still infect people's food with salmonella or some other microbe. To stop flies, I leave fly paper traps. When the fly lands on the fly paper, it gets stuck. Landing on fly paper is the last thing the fly will do. I don't wait until my food gets infected.

If I was in charge of the police I would leave traps like cars for people to steal or boxes on porches. When they take the bait and steal the item they become trapped or arrested for theft.
The person that is trapped and arrested can no longer steal anything because they are no longer free citizens.

Thursday, 21 February 2019

Aducted by flying Saucer

When I was a young boy my favourite sweet was the flying saucer. When I would eat it, I would taken to a happy place in my mind. The sweet was a small disk shaped rice paper parcel that was filled with sherbet powder. Sherbet powder is the only stuff in the world that was sweeter than sugar to me. It was slightly Fizzy and very sweet. If I was given a cup of the stuff I would have tried to drink it.

Another thing that took me to a happy place was stopping the training wheels on my bike from touching the ground. My Dad took out his spanner and removed my training wheels on my bike because I had mastered the balance of the bike. Riding my little vehicle the way it was intended was a sweet thing.

Perhaps the next big thing will be the birth of my Son.

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Jacob Reese Mogg

One of my favourite politicians in the UK is Jacob Reese Mogg. I'm not naming my son after him, it is my wife that chose the son's first name. He is the Member of Parliament for Summerset, a county on the South coast of the UK. Jacob Reese Mogg is not a part of the cabinet but is a back bencher. He bears a close resemblance to Egon from the original Ghost busters movie.

When he talks, it is clear that he has clarity of thought. I think he should be the leader of the UK if Therasa May steps down. His power of reason and logic is very great.

Saturday, 16 February 2019

Voting and War

I am a man of this world and I listen to other people but sometimes people will say things that has less logic than is expected.


From time time people will complain about the history of this country and even recent historical events. One person was complaining about the air attacks in North Africa that happened recently. In such discussions I always ask the person if they vote. If the person says "no" then I explain to them that they are partly responsible for the war because they didn't try to elect a politician that is against the attack. They had an opportunity to do so but they didn't do it.

What they do instead is write off all the candidates without ever trying to see what page they are on or if they share their outlook.

You see many people will write of everything about our society, not just our interference in other countries and out historical role on the world stage.

Thursday, 14 February 2019

Isis Bride

Earlier in the week a British citizen that left the UK to become a Bride for Isis fighters wanted to come back. Her original intent was to marry an Isis fighter (a stranger) and help turn Syria and Iraq into a Calipha's dictatorship with a strict observation of Sharia law and zero tolerance of other cultures and beliefs. The Caliphate never got a chance to form and her husband was killed in war and now she wants to come back to the UK.

I hope she never comes back to the UK. One thing I know about the so called Isis is that they have extreme views. They burn the UK flag and kill gays and want to destroy Israel. When the girl and her two friends were leaving to join Isis I thought "good" because they are taking their extreme views away with them. Not that I wanted them to die because I don't want anyone to die.

I heard an audio interview of the girl and was shocked that she didn't care about the sight of a decapitated head because she thought he was an enemy of Islam, these are the words of a fascist bigot. Many people that were killed in that conflict were not against any religion. They were just following orders and doing their duties and some of them were blameless civilians that didn't agree with the changes that they were making.

I hope she is never let back into the UK.

If I met the girl I would ask, what did the Headless man do to Islam? Did he burn Quran? Did he force people to not go to mosque with a weapon.

Friday, 8 February 2019

Donald Tusk and Hell

Earlier in the week, Donald Tusk (an EU leader) stated that there is a special place in hell for Brexit campaigners with no plan.

To be honest, I didn't find it offensive. He is just being frank about the way he feels and there may be some truth about what he is saying, the politicians with no plan may be putting the well being of ordinary people in jeopardy for the sake of their own popularity. Retribution may occur for such people.

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Oil Sickness

One thing I have noticed through my whole life is that having oil reserves causes bad luck for many countries.

Oil brings large incomes to anyone so this doesn't make sense. Why would something that brings you a lot of wealth cause your country to suffer.

Well, perhaps the reason is to do with balance. It could be like a bad diet, a man could eat loads of donuts every day and get many calories but would become sick because his body can't metabolise all the calories. The way I look at it is bringing oil causes more transactions to occur with bigger amounts of money. This forces the banks to print more money. The printed money makes the currency less valuable so the people that don't have much money will spend less because their money is worth less. Perhaps the oil money causes corruption. It sounds silly but when you think about it, it makes sense. I was thinking about this because Venesuala has large oil reserves but has drifted into a bad financial situation. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...