Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Delivery scheme & Toaster oven

I have been obsessed with toaster ovens for a long time. A toaster oven is a single shelf oven that is heated by a toaster heating element. They are about the size of a microwave and usually have two controls, temperature and time. I love toaster ovens because they are very efficient because there is no where for the heat to go. So once the temperature is reached the oven adds little heat spurts to maintain that heat level. Also because they run on a timer they are never left on by mistake. There is much less waste and they are much cheaper than  normal ovens. I'm about to be paid so I will get a cheap one that costs around £30.

The delivery company that works with my vending machine franchise has a drop off point that is next to Iceland in Wealdstone high street. I chose to have the parcel dropped off there instead of at home so I don't have to wait for them. Plus I can buy from Iceland in exchange for free parking then collect my package with the time allowance still left on the parking stub. That is neat.

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Silver lining & labour speech

Today I had a vending machine put out of service but learned that the machine fits on the counter of a bar in the hotel when the metal stand is removed. It is said that every cloud has a silver lining and this one certainly does.

Was watching TV at one in the morning and suddenly there was a power cut. The power cut seems to affect the whole street. In am writing this during a power cut.

Jeremy Corbyn the new labour party leader gave a speech today. I must admit that I do agree with some of his agendas. I think it would be good if the railways were all re renationalised. It would work out cheaper for all of us, I also agree that people are falling through the welfare funding gap and self employed people should benefit from a safety net when their income is dissolved.
However there are other things that I don't like such as cutting the military defence budget because jobs would be lost and we could be targets for attacks.

It would be interesting to see what caused the power cut. Luckily my beloved lbc radio is working well.

Vending machine disaster

Me and my Dad own a small fleet of vending machines. Yesterday a fake pound was placed into one of the machines causing the coinmack to break. The damaged coinmack was free to turn and handed out free treets to anyone that turned the handle.

A group of kids exploited this problem and took over 60 tubs from the machine. It was 6 hours before the problem was noticed.

I will turn this bad luck around because I noticed that the machine actually fits in the bar of the hotel when it is off the metal stand.  I will get another machine from a pub that is not performing and put that machine in the bar table.

The coinmack on this machine is the old type and is known to cause this problem.

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Mars revelation

Tomorrow NASA are going to reveal a huge discovery about Mars. The finding is so big that they are actually having a global press conference. Until tomorrow evening I won't know anything about the discovery.

I am pondering what the discovery is; perhaps they have discovered life forms.

Geology? Could Mars be geologically active and have active volcanoes?

Is Mars contaminated by earth based life?

Have they found technology left behind by alien visitors? My guess is that they found liquid water beneath the surface.


We will see.

Saturday, 26 September 2015

World ending, my verdict

There is a rumour going around that the world is going to end very soon. I don't believe it will, that's just me.
The world will end, but not now, in the future. The whole idea of a disaster is not too hard to believe because they happen all the time. If I was rich I would love to build my own bunker, partly because it is fun to create a under ground place that is protected by strong wall and the ground above. Also it is nice to know that if a disaster did occur then I could  hide in my bunker.

Friday, 25 September 2015

Pilgrim crush, My verdict

I feel bad for all the people the were crushed to death during a haj event. It is a terrible way to die.

I hope that the people can avoid future disaster of that nature. It comes to my attention that there is an opportunity for innovation, a new technology that could prevent fatalities in crowds in the future; perhaps a sound system that prevents panic.

My mind goes back to the Love Festival in Germany a while back. Part of the problem is the panic caused when a crowd realises that there is a problem. The key here is to calm down the crowd before the crushing becomes lethal.

I even wonder if spraying a relaxing agent into the air would stop them from panicking.

In sense is thought to calm people down , maybe something as simple as in sense is the solution.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Missing my girlfriend

I am missing my girlfriend. Wish she was with me now. We could sit together and do things.

You tube miracle gift

At this stage in my lift it is important to be able to consistently lift my spirits and make myself happy. I have rediscovered a play list I made on you tube over a year ago. It is called Zelda piano. The music on there always settles my mind. All the smart tv boxes in my home support the you tube Chromecast button so I can instantly play the playlist when I need it on any tv. I can play a selection of soothing sound tracks and lift my mood to a productive level.

Gratitude is the greatest gift because when I am thankful I am in a better state of mind and more constructive.

I am so pleased that I have rediscovered this old playlist that I am sharing it with you on this article. I can only hope it does the same for you as it does for me.

Zelda piano

I will create more playlist to change my moods as needed. Technology is constructive sometimes. Not always but this time it is.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Online window shopping

There is nothing more enjoyable to do when waiting for a delayed flight then online window shopping and drinking coffee. I have a particular interest in the gadget section and computer games bit. I will look at the thing and read about them and not buy anything but that is just the way I am. For some strange reason reading is still the leisure of choice for me at night time.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...