Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Silver lining & labour speech

Today I had a vending machine put out of service but learned that the machine fits on the counter of a bar in the hotel when the metal stand is removed. It is said that every cloud has a silver lining and this one certainly does.

Was watching TV at one in the morning and suddenly there was a power cut. The power cut seems to affect the whole street. In am writing this during a power cut.

Jeremy Corbyn the new labour party leader gave a speech today. I must admit that I do agree with some of his agendas. I think it would be good if the railways were all re renationalised. It would work out cheaper for all of us, I also agree that people are falling through the welfare funding gap and self employed people should benefit from a safety net when their income is dissolved.
However there are other things that I don't like such as cutting the military defence budget because jobs would be lost and we could be targets for attacks.

It would be interesting to see what caused the power cut. Luckily my beloved lbc radio is working well.

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What February 2025 Means To Me

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