I am thankful that I have working eyes to read.
I have started reading a book about the paranormal. It is a book about people that have memories from a past life. It is a book about reincarnation.
I am Alan Booth, an ordinary British Man . I'm not one of the famous people that have the same name as me, just an ordinary guy. Welcome to my main blog, a true reliable record of history from the perspective of an ordinary man, a place filled with my thoughts; perhaps my thoughts will persist longer on here than in my brain itself. My twitter I.D. is @alspresso.
I am thankful that I have working eyes to read.
I have started reading a book about the paranormal. It is a book about people that have memories from a past life. It is a book about reincarnation.
Today I am grateful for the ability to think for myself and that I'm not a slave to someone else's paradigm.
I was wondering about other stars and thought that perhaps there is a star that is yet to form in the future and planets are yet to form around it. This new star and planet system would harbour life and the planet would have a similar history to our own.
I was wondering if a planet that has not formed yet orbiting a star that does not exist yet eventually has people living on it that are similar to humans.
If such a place exists then perhaps humans would visit that planet and we would be the aliens.
Or humans could find an earth like planet in the future and settle on it and start a long history on that planet.
Today I am grateful for access to tools like PC and cameras and the microphone on my phone I use all of them as much as I can.
I love creating things and I am making videos right now as I speak.
I want to create a whole family of video documentaries on you tube that can change peoples perspective about the world around us.
Lets see how far we can go.
Today I am grateful for whales because they are awesome creatures.
Whales are bigger than dinosaurs, they are absolutely huge.
Sometimes whales get beached. I think the reason is that they underestimate the tide get stuck just like people they make mistakes.
I am grateful for my computer and camera because together I can create a long documentary video seen by many people on you tube.
I hope to crate a video that raises awareness of all the different ways that power can be generated.
Let's see if I can go through with it to the end shall we.
Today I am grateful for snakes because if they disappeared, food would become very expensive because the rodents that are in their belly would consume rice and grains on farms.
After watching an entire box set of Australian wild life over a week I have noticed that sharks and snakes are beautiful creatures and actually do a lot of good.
Sharks are shaped like torpedoes and their mouths fold away to keep their body hydro dynamic, much of their diet is rotting carcasses that would fill the ocean with toxins if they were not eaten.
Sharks also eat animals that are sick and suffering so in a way they are like a euthanasia dispenser putting down animals that are already dying.
Snakes are super efficient because they don't waste energy holding up their body mass and crawl on the floor. They only bite people when they step on them or disturb them and don't look for trouble. Most the food that snakes eat are a nuisance to people and cause diseases.
I would never keep a snake or shark as a pet but I admire them from a distance and hope that people leave them alone and let them do their job.
When you look at animals carefully you will see that they are beautiful. Even animals you see every day like crows have a charm to them. I am thankful every time I see creatures.
Today I am grateful that YouTube allows me to upload videos that can be seen or listened to by millions of people around the world yet I pay nothing.
Today after a long time I put a video on YouTube. It was intended to be mostly audio only, like a podcast. This means that I will just talk on the video and occasionally show pictures and clips within the video as supporting material.
Once again I am a vlogger and not just a blogger. I wonder if this new hobby will last.
Let us see.
Today I am grateful for not having an injured back or neck because back and neck injuries are terrible. People with back and neck injuries are prisoners in their own body. They can't move around freely
I believe the creator is real and wonder what was his intentions. It is very cold and dark right now and it is gloomy. The days are still short and the sky is cloudy. It has been raining a lot this week. It could be a lot worse. I remember times when it would be snowing during January.
I look forward to a time when people make temperatures around the world the same. I think I react badly to this weather and sleep more than normal. When I am off duty I sleep a lot.
Let my efforts not be in vein but prosper and bring good things.
I say thank you in advance to the universe for making all these wonderful chances to change my life for the better and hope to be a very happy man in the near future.
Today I am grateful for not having cancer because it is a nasty killer and many people are working hard to cure it.
A famous British musician called David Bowie died recently from Cancer. There are two memories of him that stick in my head, one was when he stared in a movie called the Labyrinth, he was the prince of the goblins. The other memory I have of him is when he sang at Christmas with Bing Cosby a song about a drummer. I think everyone has been affected by David Bowie at some point in their life by listening to his music.
When David Bowie died I thought about what happens after you die. The afterlife is the unknown and the biggest mystery in this world. I wonder if the Bowie family are thinking of the same thing. I wish the Bowie family peace and long life.
I give thanks for wealth and good fortune for now and forever.
Today I am thankful for vehicles. Machines that get you where you need to go and for all wealth that is due to me.
The metro train network in London gets very crowded. Many people cram into the limited space in a train.
Perhaps they should spread the load, instead of having one big train have many small self driving trains that come more often.
That way there are people in every part of the route and they are less crowded. If the trains only carried one person each then the train could skip stations and there could be 2 tracks where there is one. One for skipping stations and the other to bring cars onto the platform.
Such a network would have far more cars and far less crowding.
Today I am happy and grateful for new discoveries and wonders that every man can learn of.
I often wonder if there would ever be a time when everyone is free from the system and society. Such a person would live in a small floating bubble island that grows it's own food using power that is extracted from the environment. Little floating self contained islands everywhere.
In these islands one could walk around in a virtual reality room and explore lots of places without ever leaving their home. They would not need to work because all of their food would come from their home for free via self growing technology; A bit like if you had window boxes that grew cherry tomatoes but it would be 100 times more efficient, perhaps a few hundred cupboards that soaked fruit baring plants in ultra violet light.
All the water would be extracted from moisture on the air.
All their clothes would be made out of thin air using self repairing machines that print the fabric out of thin air using carbon dioxide molecules in the air.
What a dream I have, such a wonderful life with no stress and lots of leisure.
This is one world I would not mind living in.
Today I am so happy and grateful for all things that are new and for window shopping and e shop browsing because I like to see new products
There is one product that I does not exist quite yet that I would like to have. I would love to have a robotic gaming crew. A robotic gaming crew is a group of humanoid robots that are able to participate in physical games like golf and bowling and tennis.
If i had four or five such robots then we could go out as a crew and take part in court games. We could play pool then play golf then play tennis then go bowling. Then we could play vr games and even vr war games. Being part of a robot gaming crew is something cool to do.
Would that not be nice? And... The robots would be able to converse and talk to you. That would be very nice indeed.
Today I am grateful for life because it can end very quickly, I am reminded every day that life can quickly end through seeing dead animals and seeing the news
The other day I was driving on Kingsbury road and noticed that there was a dead fox in the road, it looked out of place because it is a relatively large animal to die on the road, i wonder if it died because a car hit it? They are usually agile creatures, I guess even foxes can miss judge crossings.
Today I took down the Christmas tree and put it in a plastic box. Looking forward to the year ahead. It is a wonderful tree. We have had it for 3 years now. It snows polystyrene snow on itself using an air pump. Once again I was accompanied by LBC radio on my mobile phone. Somehow listening to the radio and doing manual work is very relaxing.
I wonder if it is just me that enjoys giving more than receiving. I love giving gifts to my family members because that is one way of showing them that i think of them every day during the year.
Today I am grateful for my radio because it talks to me and tells me what is happening in the world, it costs me less than £30 yet the comfort it brings is priceless. I always thought that in this time period machine to human conversations would have taken a big leap.
When I was a young boy I would to watch a TV show called Night rider. It is about a car with artificial intelligence that can talk and drive itself. The talking car would often have deep and meaningful conversions with the driver and even had a name, KIT.
Now it is around 30 years later and cars don't really talk much, some cars have built in Sat-nav that speaks out directions to the diver but this is far from a conversation.
My image of the 2000s was always that everything talks; When you open your front door the house itself greets you and asks how your journey was. You would ask the TV to turn on and it would say yes sir and turn on and your wallet would say "hi mate how are you? " Then you would talk to the house again and ask it if it could play your favourite music and change the colour of the lights.
To be fair you can talk to your phone but it doesn't really understand what you are saying in a way that would be adequate for conversation.
When machines can converse with people the way they do in Night Rider and Star Trek then that would be very interesting because a person could have many artificial friends and get loads of counselling.
I wonder if there are machines that are made that don't do anything but converse with people? I will keep a look out for such a product.
It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...