Thursday, 21 January 2016

Snakes & sharks

Today I am grateful for snakes because if they disappeared, food would become very expensive because the rodents that are in their belly would consume rice and grains on farms.

After watching an entire box set of Australian wild life over a week I have noticed that  sharks and snakes are beautiful creatures and actually do a lot of good.

Sharks are shaped like torpedoes and their mouths fold away to keep their body hydro dynamic, much of their diet is rotting carcasses that would fill the ocean with toxins if they were not eaten.

Sharks also eat animals that are sick and suffering so in a way they are like a euthanasia dispenser putting down animals that are already dying. 

Snakes are super efficient because they don't waste energy holding up their body mass and crawl on the floor. They only bite people when they step on them or disturb them and don't look for trouble. Most the food that snakes eat are a nuisance to people and cause diseases.

I would never keep a snake or shark as a pet but I admire them from a distance and hope that people leave them alone and let them do their job.

When you look at animals carefully you will see that they are beautiful. Even animals you see every day like crows have a charm to them. I am thankful every time I see creatures.

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