Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Open letter to UK racists

Dear hater,

Most people that voted to leave at the referendum are not racists. We just hate the establishment and the way the EU is controlled.

We don't support what you are doing, remember that every person on this Island is an immigrant, even the English themselves came from the continent.

Let go of your hatred because it is a prison for the mind. Hatred usually comes from fear and it poisons creativity and growth. Shed all of that hate and set yourself free.

I voted to leave the EU because I saw the EU as another layer of government that I can't control and don't listen to ordinary people. I see the EU project as a bad idea that will lead to the misery of millions.

I am English but non English people are family to me. I see Polish people and Germans and Indians and French and remember that they are just like me. They are my brothers and sisters.

Today I am grateful for my mind because it creates instead of hating. It loves instead of fears. It is art and power together creating the present and until the day I die I will always be thankful.

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...