Monday, 7 November 2016

Letter to Obama

Dear Obama.

I am a fan of yours, now your presidency has come to an end I would like to congratulate you for doing a good job. When you came to office, America was in financial trouble, You took the helm and handled the situation very well. You avoided many conflicts and  prevented wars that a lesser president would engage in.

I wish you a good retirement from the American leadership. I hope that the next president it like you and avoids wars and inspires people to take up science skills.  I know that you were not free to do everything you wanted because you wanted to better place to live and some of the military spending wastage to be invested to technology and infrastructure.This is not your fault  because it takes a long time to change a super power county into a super producer, I'd say 50 years would be needed to slowly move spending away from military and into science and infrastructure. Perhaps 1% per year would need to be moved.  

I also wish the best for the future president that replaces you whether it is Donald or Hillary my message to them would be to strive for peace and growth just like you have. I also hope that Obama care becomes a giant free health service that would match the British NHS.

All the best from Alan

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One Third of January

One third of January passed by already, it seemed like yesterday that we were setting up the Christmas  tree at the start of December. The i...