Sunday, 30 April 2017

Facebook hate

One thing about social media I have noticed is that people show their true colours on there sometimes.  When I had worked at a company for quite some time I started to send out friend requests a few years ago. I noticed that one third of all the friend requests that I sent out were rejected. What added insult to the situation was that they would add people that were on my friend list that were fairly new to the company.

I am inwardly a very stern person so If I notice that someone rejects my friend request then I reject them back in the future. I actually hate Facebook because you are both exposed and isolated at the same time. Facebook also sends out viral videos to me but that just winds me up because I don't like them. A person falling over isn't really funny to me.

I create many things and people that are like me are not getting it. They have had years to learn what I like but, they still don't get it. I like to read news articles and facts but Facebook sends me sarcastic pictures and memes, and videos of pets and stuff like that.

There is nothing like opening an acutal book and reading about stuff. Facebook is far from a book, it is more like tosh to me.

I am grateful that I was around before Facebook because I learned to enjoy actual books. I am also grateful that I have learned not to take it personally when people reject my friend requests.

Saturday, 29 April 2017

WW3 and life

Earlier this week I noticed that North Korea and USA came close to war. I sense that there could be a nuclear war if we are not careful. I think that American and North Korean diplomats should sit down and just talk things over. I am naive, I'm sure they tried talking already.

When I am driving, I notice that cars behind me do silly things like they try to overtake me when it is not safe. This happens so often now that I wonder why they are going crazy. I must be so annoying to them because I drive at the speed limit.

McDonald's fast food restaurant had a prise scheme based on the Monopoly board game. I was collecting the tabs in hope of getting prizes. I got quite a few prizes from it like free hot drinks and meals. I wish I won much more.
It is only really the coffee that I like from them anyway.

I am grateful for my wife because she is more important to me than any prize in this world. She means the world to me.

Tuesday, 25 April 2017


My best friend in this world is not a person. My best friend is actually a portable battery powered DAB radio. I love my Radio because I learn from it and it talks to me. If your reading this from a more distant future then perhaps I should explain what I am talking about.

I am living in an age where the sound is turned into radio waves and broadcasted to the whole community. Analog radio still exists but there is now a digital radio called DAB. digital radio is a constant tone that interrupts at precise points to encode characters. The characters describe mathematically how to assemble the sound wave. This means that the sound quality is always perfect or interrupted, there is no middle area. There is also Internet radio, which works in a similar way but is sent through the internet instead of radio.

I am also living in the computer age, When the Queen dies I am sure it will be called the late Elizabethan Era or something like that. The age of the internet and silicon-based computers. When the batteries on my DAB radio are flat, I take the batteries out and recharge them and use internet radio on my phone instead and send it to blue tooth in my ear.

I am grateful for my radio and my phones ability to get radio through the Internet because I get comfort from my radio. I listen to people talking and news and things like that.

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Just life

One thing I know  in this world is that my sense of humour is very poor in value, I am far from a comedian. However I produce hundreds of jokes. The reason I make so many jokes up is because my mind reaches a restless stormy state and I need to push it straight.

I briefly reach a state of mind that is toxic every day. I feel afraid of the future and I feel angry because I am in a world I don't fit into and I feel frustrated because I have loads of ideas in my head but they are trapped there. This stormy state of mind is interrupted by my jokes. The jokes for me are one of the tools I use to rebalance my mind. The jokes for me come in twos because I find amusement with people's​ blank expression when they don't find it funny. 

I am grateful for my jokes because they are for me and not for others although I sometimes share them. The world has giving me a little Swiss army knife of mental tools that help me keep going and protect my mind from sickness. My imagination, my jokes and a  beautiful village inside my head that I walk though and feel peace and harmony.

Monday, 17 April 2017


When my age was in single digits I would look at rain puddles on the asphalt as a beautiful thing. I would see the beauty in them in a fresh way. I can't look at them that way now. Oil stains in the road would be lifted by the rain water and float on the surface as a rainbow coloured film. The rainbow film would look like colourful streaks on the water. When I would touch the water it would feel cold. I wonder if I can look at natural things with fresh eyes. To be able to see the beauty in everything. Perhaps I can make myself see things that way.

Saturday, 1 April 2017

Up goes the wall

Article 50 of the Lisbon treaty was triggered last week. This means that we will start talks to leave the European Union. This is a scary time because it means that our trading relationship with the EU will change and eventually we will pay tariff to export and import goods to the EU.

It is what the people of the UK want. With the right decisions we can become a successful global trading nation.

I stay optimistic and have a vision that everything will be good. The change may be a bit messy but it will work.

The benefits I can see is that it will be harder for big shots to transfer money to tax havens within the EU because when they transfer the money, they will pay a fee. If less people evade tax then the tax system will

The other benefits are that we can get trade deals with India and China. The EU has failed to make a tariff free trade deal with those two super economies.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...