Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Bill Cosby and Rolf Harris

When I was a young Boy I loved to watch the Cosby Show, it was a satirical situational comedy that is very much like Friends and Frasier and Fresh Prince of Bell-air. This beautiful memory is slightly damaged because Bill Cosby himself has been confronted by many women that claim he Sexually molested them. When many women come forward saying the same thing then it is hard to deny. I'm not saying he did it but the volume of accusations seems to be very heavy on my mind and it devalues the memory of the show. Somehow I feel they need to remake the show again without Bill to restore the show's legacy.

Another TV show that I liked to watch when I was a young boy was Rolf's Cartoon Club. It was hosted by Rolf Harris. I dreamed of creating my own animation show when I watched it. In those days I was not a vegetarian and would eat a KFC mega bucket and think that the Logo was Rolf Harris on an unconscious level. So every time I had a KFC meal I would think about Rolfs Cartoon Club and dream about creating my own animated show. Rolf was sent to prison a few years ago for sex crimes so the beauty of another memory has been lost. Thankfully He - Man was not a real person so He-Man and the Masters of the Universe are still on my good memory list.

I am thankful for my youth and all the good memories that were left over from that stage of my life. I will treasure them all and hope that no more memories have been stained by bad reputations.

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...