Friday, 22 December 2017

Paradise in mind

In my view, if people don't want to listen to me then it's not my fault. I'm not a rude person or aggressive. The trouble is sometimes when I speak I am asking a question. I literally get no answer because they brush off my speech. If a person is not careful, they will be frustrated because they are trying to ask a question or say something important and they are silenced by other people's unwillingness to listen.

To balance this problem I walk through a village that is inside my mind. It is a mental sanctuary that was left over from a past time tradgedy.  It is beautiful flat terrain surrounded by a dyke on three sides and is peaceful. In this village there are metal plants that shimmer in the sunlight and the sun is very big and hangs on the horizon continuously. It is a paradise that is more beautiful than any place on Earth that I have ever seen. In this place I build virtual machines and try to see if they could work if they were real. I get comfort and joy from doing this. In this place nothing matters except joy.

People in this time and world spend so much time looking at screens that they have forgotten how to listen. Because eye contact and face expression plays a role in conversation.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...