Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Snow revelation

Nearly ten years ago in April 2008 there was a freak snow blizzard in the UK. It was the middle of spring so it was not supposed to happen.

The snow had a powerful affect on me and changed my life. I had time off from my work so  I intended to meet up with friends and go out for fun. What happened was I was forced to stay at home. While I was at home I looked at the snow and sat down and was lost in thought. At some point I questioned the morals of eating meat and the cruelty that may be involved.

On that day I became a vegetarian. I have been a vegetarian ever since then nearly ten years on. My vegtable based diet has caused my body to age in a different way. I have the blood pressure of a teenager and the health of a man half my age. If I continued to eat meat, my health would be very different.

Now it is March 2018 and I have been at home for a while to avoid the snow. A storm from Portugal collided with cold air from Russia above my country so it has been snowing non stop for 2 days.

I was thinking about the affects that the background music from the TV show "how it is made" and how it makes me energised and changes my mood. I found out that it is very similar to the background music from Sonic the Hedgehog computer game. I realised that the reason the music was making me energised was because it was tapping into a mental state left behind when I was a child. The music from the computer game was changing my mood and making me feel I want to win and struggle to overcome the challenge. The 16 bit lyric free beat of the music was changing my mood into an energised proactive state.

From this day I will use music to put my mind into the right gear. If I feel tired I will play "Sonic the Hedgehog" computer game music. If I feel sad I will play "super hang on" music. If I need energy I will play Mario Cart music.

The snow caused me to become a vegetarian and now it was caused me to become a man that controls his mood with music by forcing me to be still and think deeply. Body and mind are changed. I can only thank God for inspiration and thought. Let my gratitude flow like a river of Gold and silver and a valley of light. May my light shine like a lantern in the cave where no darkness can stay.

What February 2018 means to me

As you know, February is a very short month that is 28 days long but a lot happened.

There was a high school shooting in Florida I believe. I felt sad because they are just little kids. They need strong doors in their schools because young people in America are being poisoned by rejection and hate and they are finding no hope but to violently outburst with guns. I wish I could give the person with a gun a hug and comfort before the poison had taken a grip of him. The poison is comming from media. They feel empty and worthless because of the messages in the tvs. The TVs and phones are telling people that they are valued by their posesions and how they look, the poison is making them sick. People's minds are being poisoned by hate. The hate grows so big that they can't contain it.

On this month I learned that the small plastic pellets that are used in plastic production are called Nurdles. I learned this because a shipping container fell into the ocean near south Africa and caused the coastline to be filled with Nurdles. The wildlife was poisoned by the pellets because the animals eat them thinking they are eggs and the acids in their stomachs are releasing toxins trapped in the pellets.

Here in the UK, the last week of February was very cold. My car was covered with ice every day and it snowed a lot but spring is around the corner. There was also an explosion in the North of England caused by a gas leak. The approach of Brexit for the UK government was shifting frantically and the labour party decided that staying in the customs union is the right way but the main Government want to be out of the customs union for the freedom to make our own trade deals.

February 2018 is filled with poisoned minds and poisoned beings. Fire and Ice and fear mixed with bravery. I am grateful for opportunity and hope and all the free things I use every day such as this blog.

Thursday, 22 February 2018

Charity Crisis and Gun control

This month has been very cold and grim. It is in February 2018 that large charities were exposed for scandal. Staff working at these charities were soliciting prostitutes in the countries they were operating in. Many people were angry that the charities were covering up the scandals. Aid workers were also getting sexual favours for aid, they were using their position to exploit women. I must admit that it makes it hard to give to charity if you know this was going on.

Many people think that Jacob Reese Mog will one day become the next UK Priminister. Seeing is believing. I like him and his honesty but I don't think he will take the helm even in his own party. Most people that are reading this have better insight than me because they are reading it in the future.

Another problem was the high school shooting in America, It has happened too many times now. It is almost like a problem that can't be solved. If you change the Gun law then they will still get guns from somewhere else. At least they can ban the hand gun and just allow shot guns and riffles. Well let's see.

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

My Favourite Fruits

There are two fruits that I love to eat, Olives and Avocado pears. They are not sweet but they are still fruits because they are the product of a flower. My Favourite fruit is Olives, they taste delicious to me. I love to eat them. They are soft and have a slightly bitter taste. There is a pip inside them but sometimes the pip is pushed out. If the pip is not pushed out I will swallow it whole because it is a good source of fiber. I don't swallow the avocado pip to though, that is too much fiber! Avocadoes taste very soft, almost like cream. They have a slight fruity taste to them. It is not a sweet taste but it will grow on you. Every time you eat one it tastes better.

I am so grateful for those wonderful fruits.

Sunday, 4 February 2018

Crab PatĂȘ

When I was much younger I was not a vegetarian and would often spread crab Patê into my sandwiches.

Crab Patê is a soft paste with the consistency of tooth paste. It has a salty taste and has a slight Mushroom and meaty flavour. To me it was the best thing to put in bread. I'm sure the main active ingredient is crab.

Now I am a vegetarian and I put salad cream and salad in my bread. When you think about it, most the volume of bread is CO2 gas. The gas is emitted by yeast before it is baked in the oven.

Thursday, 1 February 2018

What January Means to me

January 2018 was cold and dark. There were many fears about changes. People's behavior changed, people were driving aggressively. The mainstream media was portraying Brexit as a disaster. But my mind was with Jesus because I am confused. But Jesus is beautiful to me because he died for us and his love was pure.
When I was a young boy I was taken by Jehovah's witnesses to an assembly hall near Southgate close to wood green. I felt very happy being there because they were talking about the stories of the Christian bible. They would tell me About Moses and Jacob and Noah and I was with other people that had love for God. I felt like I was a part of something.
Later in life I became confused because they told me that Jesus is not the son of God but other Christian groups were saying he was. They were all saying different things. They had a different perspective of the word. Confusion runs deep, I want insight, I want the truth and light from God.
If there is any good lasting joy in this world, it would come from God. From the creator. But I ask for insight for the truth and the light.
Nothing happened in January but the mind turned and was hungry for insight. I have a hunger for knowledge.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...