Sunday, 28 October 2018

First Frost

One of the biggest issues of my time is global warming. Scientists believe that Carbon Dioxide (CO2). Is reflecting some of the heat energy from the sun back towards the Earth's surface. I don't think it is a big issue and I will tell you why.

I make my own crude observations, I see if the first frost comes before daylight saving or after. This year the first frost came one day before daylight saving. My car was covered in frost one day before daylight saving time changes, so the cold period is on time.

After all these years of emitting so much carbon dioxide, I can't see the problem, I mean surely most of the fossil fuels have already been used up and we will run out before there is a runaway greenhouse effect. Perhaps the ice caps will melt and cause global flooding. I don't know but everything looks normal here for now. 

Thursday, 25 October 2018

Death by Proxy

One thing that defines 2018 is long distance attacks on unpopular nationals of certain countries.  Sergei Skripal and his daughter from Russia we're both poisoned in Sailsbury, UK in spring of this year and in the Autumn it was the Saudi journalist that was attacked in the Saudi embassy, it is not clear to me when I wrote this how he died. The Saudi government have admitted that violence was involved but they are claiming it was a fight that went wrong.

I don't get involved, different countries value different things in this world. I'm just an ordinary guy with a blog. A man that lived in both sides of the millennium and sits down to reflect. If my blog offends anyone then I ask them to remember that it is just a hobby and and a gift to the people of the future.

Monday, 22 October 2018

The Grey stuff

Me wanting to build my own home is not just because I want a porch that surrounds the premises, and it is not just because I want well spaced rooms with custom designed walls. I want to build my own home because I don't like defecating on water that is clean enough to drink. Here in the UK, clean drinkable water is produced on a large scale so some of that water is supplied to the toilet flushing tank, I don't like that; it just doesn't feel right to me. I feel like it is wasteful to defecate into water that has been cleaned extensively. 

I want to defecate into the grey water that comes out of the back of a washing machine or the soapy water that comes out of a shower cubicle. It is more logical to me to defecate into water that is already dirty. To produce the water would be straight forward.

Firstly, rain water would be collected into water tanks in the attic. Then the collected rain water would be used in the clothes washing machine and shower. Then...

Secondly, the used water from the showers and washing machine would flow into another tank that fills the toilet flushing tank. When you flush the toilet, water would take away the waste.

The microbes that reside in the grey water tank would adapt to the detergent and soap and find a way to break them down so the gray water tank would give off heat.

All the sink basins would still use tap water that is cleaned in the plant because water from the roof could contain harmful microbes but you don't eat your clothes or lick your skin after a shower and rain water has no dissolved lime stone in it so it is good for the washing machine.

Friday, 19 October 2018

Fun house

If I was the leader of my country or part of the cabinet responsible for education, I would employ advertisement companies and TV show directors as head of education.

The reason I would do this is because the TV shows I watched when I was a young boy are still in my head after all these years. I left child hood two decades ago and I still remember them to this day. One show in particular stayed in my head, a show called "Fun House".

Fun House was a show about an assault course for kids. It is a crazy house set up like a giant dolls house and kids are given missions in this house in order to win prizes.  I can still remember the intro music from the start of the show, It went like this, " Fun House, it's a whole lot of fun with prizes to be won, it is a crazy little show where anything goes." It went something like that. I think the host of the show was called "Pat Sharp".

Anyway my point is that advertisement companies and show directors are set with the task of making their product stay in our head. They make songs and images that help us remember the product they are promoting and I am sure they would find a cleaver way to help young people learn new skills if they were employed has education directors for schools.

Thursday, 11 October 2018

Hobby tree

Inside my head there is a tree, a tree of hobbies I would like do. The bottom stump of the tree is playing computer games, further up the stump is Drawing pictures. At the apex of the stump is media creations like this blog and videos. These hobbies are together because they need little space. Further up the tree in the first branches is building models and devices in a work shop, this hobby needs more space because a room is needed to house the machines and models. Playing music (possibly in a groups) and at the ends of the branches is Man caving and game touring. In game touring, a group of guys come together and visit golf courses and bowling alleys to play in different places. I sense that if I did have a gaming crew in the future at least some of the crew would be robots because I have not made enough friends in life to host such a hobby and robots are available on tap. In man caving, a room is needed that is filled with gaming tables such as table tenis and pool tables and football tables. If the man cave is well made, it will have a small bar stool with drinks and a coffee maker. The man cave would be the finishing place from game touring. So I would take my crew to the golf course and the bowling alley then would finish off in the man cave playing pool and other indoor games. The man cave could include a large screen with all the games consoles attached.

So... This is the hobby tree...
Bottom Stump: Playing computer games.
Middle Stump: Art(drawings, pictures)
Apex of Stump: Media Creations, (E books, videos, blogs)
First branches: Building models, and playing music)
Outer branches: Game touring and man caving (golf, bowing, table games)

At the moment I am at the apex of the stump. Will I get to the outer branches? who knows. Gaming is virtually free these days because many games are free and everyone has mobile phones. Art is cheap because all you need is paper and drawing tools like pencils or pens. Media is cheap because this blog is free and so are platforms that host your videos. The whole stump and cheap, solo and needs little space.

However, to get to the first branches and outer branches I will need more space and time and co-operation from others. 

Thursday, 4 October 2018

What September means to me

September 2018 is very much like all previous September months that I can remember. Here on my Island, the daylight time reduces every day and continues to do so.
I was so busy this month that I hardly noticed the passing of time. It is as if September was never there.
The big event I remember in September is the devastating earthquake that occurred in indonesia, it triggered a tsunami that swept through indonesia and devastated many towns there.

I can reveal that my wife is pregnant and I am due to become a father in April 2019. I discovered the news August in summer. There is a chance that the person reading this already knows the outcome in April 2019. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...