Friday, 19 October 2018

Fun house

If I was the leader of my country or part of the cabinet responsible for education, I would employ advertisement companies and TV show directors as head of education.

The reason I would do this is because the TV shows I watched when I was a young boy are still in my head after all these years. I left child hood two decades ago and I still remember them to this day. One show in particular stayed in my head, a show called "Fun House".

Fun House was a show about an assault course for kids. It is a crazy house set up like a giant dolls house and kids are given missions in this house in order to win prizes.  I can still remember the intro music from the start of the show, It went like this, " Fun House, it's a whole lot of fun with prizes to be won, it is a crazy little show where anything goes." It went something like that. I think the host of the show was called "Pat Sharp".

Anyway my point is that advertisement companies and show directors are set with the task of making their product stay in our head. They make songs and images that help us remember the product they are promoting and I am sure they would find a cleaver way to help young people learn new skills if they were employed has education directors for schools.

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What February 2025 Means To Me

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