Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Betelgeuse bang

One thing I know is that somewhere between tomorrow and the next million years, the star called Betelgeuse will explode. There is also a chance that the star has already exploded because it takes over six hundred years for light to travel from the giant star to Earth.

When the light from Betelgeuse's super nover explosion does reach us, it will shine as brightly to us as the sun; so there will appear to be two Suns in the sky for about a month.

I wonder if I will be around to see it? Statistically it is likely to explode in 500,000 years. Wouldn't it be nice to get a heads-up about future events like to get with eclipses and things like that.

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Floating at Venus

An Englishman rarely ever gets to see the planet Venus in the Sky. The reason for this is because clouds hang over our side of the Island much of the time, and most English people live in built up areas so we only see buildings and hills on the horizon. It also doesn't help to live far from the equator. However, I see the planet a few times a year. I'm not sure if the Scots get to see it more often.

The planet Venus is always close to the sun from our Earthly perspective so it is visible as a bright star on the horizon when the sun sets or rises.

I often wonder if it was possible make a floating island in the future. Like the floating village in the computer game "Zelda and the skyward sword". An island above the clouds and with the best view of the sky.

I would imagine the island would use panels that collect sunlight and power propellers inside. The panels would store surplus power in batteries so they could keep running at night. The many panels would be self contained cartridges that are replaceable when maintenance is required and carry the weight of the island.

What November Means to me

November 2018 was about discovery and a huge deal. It was in November 2018 that I discovered that my unborn child was a boy and at the same time I discovered that NASA had landed a probe on the planet Mars called inSight with the intention of peering inside the planet, good luck to them.

I would be happy if my child was a boy or a girl.
It is a boy and we are thinking about possible names to give the child when he is born.

November is also about the Brexit exit deal that was prepared by our prime Minister, Therasa May and leaders of the other European Union member states. I sense that many politicians intend to reject the deal because they think it is a bad deal. They will soon vote on implementation of the deal.

There was wide spread rioting in France because Macron increased fuel tax. This event reminds me of the time I learned of Margret Fatcher's poll tax. If people live a privileged life then they may forget the ordinary people struggle to live in this world. They can increase a tax without thinking about the poorer people.

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Bitterness and hate

Very often in life, anger and bitterness can accumulate in a person's mind, because they remember all the bad deeds that were done to them. Sometimes they feel they are not respected. Other times they feel rejected socially. Well, an answer to this problem can be found in the Christian Bible. If I can recall correctly, the story of Joseph can be found near the end of Genesis Just before Exodus.

In the story Joseph, a Man with 11 brothers became the favourite of the family and was given a coat that contained lots of different coloured fabrics. His siblings became jealous of him and tried to kill him but decided to sell him off as a slave instead. He was betrayed by his brothers.

Joseph was able to overcome his bitterness by praying and doing everything very well. He did everything very well, even though the work he was doing was exploitation.

He was able to forgive his brothers and all the people that betrayed him. I think that bitterness and hate is poisonous to the mind and cuts people off from God. Forgiveness is hard for a human but when they pray to focus on what they are doing , the hate and bitterness goes away.

Saturday, 17 November 2018

Vicious weasel

The most vicious group of animals in this world is the Mustalids. This group of animals includes Badgers, Stotes, Weasels, Honey Badgers, Wolverines and Minks. There are many others and they all have a similar body plan. The have a pointy head and body like a missile and short limbs and loose rubbery skin that is hard to bite.

On my island, it is the Stotes that I am familiar with. Some people keep them as pets, I'm sure people that keep Stotes as pets see love when they look at them, however the Stote probably sees a butchers carving map with an x next to the owners liver and tick next to the spine. They wait until the owner is sick or crippled to attack.

I should look on this Animal as a friend because it is kills Rats and Rats are a hazard to my species.

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Five Pence

One app I use on my phone more than any other is the calculator app.
I like to make crude statistical observations using my calculator.

Have you ever wondered how much salary you would earn if you continuously received 5 pence every minute? I did the math.

There is 1440 minutes in a day so every day you would make £72 or $72 if you were getting five cents. There is 365 days in a year so you would receive £26,280 annually before tax.
There are 12 months so if you divide £26,280 by 12, you get.. £2,190 every month. At the time of writing this blog entry, a salary of £2190 per month is more than the income of most people on my Island, even before tax. As a second income, that is outstanding.

All that is left is to think of things that generate 5 pence every minute all day without your intervention.

Perhaps a website or commission from a media product you have made or something like that.

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

California fire

In the United States of America in the state of California there was a large forest fire. The fire was caused by dry weather and strong winds. I feel sad for all the people that lost their homes.

If I had a home that was in the path of a forest fire, I would cover my house in wet clay or mud because I remembered a scene from the movie Predator when Arnie got covered in mud, the Alien couldn't see him. The Alien in the movie sees with Infra red light. The infra red light is made with heat. I probably wouldn't work because the fire would find a way in but I would try anyway.

Saturday, 10 November 2018

General Zod

When I was young, I watched a movie called Superman. I think there was 3 or 4 sequals to the movie.

Superman 2 stuck in my mind more than any other because Lex Luther, the villain exposed a big flaw in his character. His greed was so big that it blinded him from seeing the dishonorable nature of General Zod and his crew. He wanted to cut a deal with the intergalactic villains, so he would tell them important information about Superman in exchange for control of Australia.

The story goes like this...
Jarel the king of the planet Crypton had a son that was sent to Earth and he was called Superman. But general Zod rebelled against Jarel and they were imprisoned. General Zod had two partners that helped him and they were all jailed. Everyone from the planet Crypton has super powers on Earth. Crypton was destroyed by its star and General Zod was released from his prison.

Anyway, Zod had no intention of honouring the deal. Once he found Superman, he would kill Lex Luther and by the end of the movie, it was obvious that Lex Luther would never become ruler of Australia. I feel like greed in this world can cause blindness to people and cause them to make deals with unworthy partners.

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Seeing things

I don't know if it is just me but I notice innuendos in ordinary everyday things. I think that is part of being human, we see things that are not there, we see faces in grains. We see shadows of people when there are no people. We see shapes in the clouds and we see animals in random boulders.

In the Royal Air Force museum in the UK there is a deactivated 'blood hound' surface to air missile in the car park. It's job was to shoot down missiles that are fired at the UK.  Luckily it was never used. Anyway, I am the only person I know of that noticed that it was pointing at the near-by housing estate. The housing estate in Graham Park was over crowded and neglected for many years. I felt like they were trying to say the place should be demolished.

I am also the only person I know of that noticed the shamrock leaf impression embedded in the wall of the high Street parade in between St Georges shopping center and the Pub in Harrow on the hill town center. You see, that spot is the way to the older high street. I feel like it was put there  because the builders wanted shoppers to have good luck before walking close to angry drunk men. This is probably wrong, but I thought that way.

I look at the new one pound coin and I notice that the outer edges of the coin is made of Brass and the inner circle of the coin is made of Nickel. It is like the coin is a Nickel coin wearing a Brass Tuxedo. It is like the Bank of England is trying to say that the English pound is over valued. Like they are lying about how much gold they can pledge to people with money. In the UK Nickel coins have less value then the brass 1 and 2 pound coins.  Obviously I am seeing meanings to things that are fabricated in my head.

I'm not all that different to the ancient people that would think an eclipse was some sort of sign. Or would think a woman clapping too loud is a Wich and set fire to her. The difference is that I suppress my superstitious side and use reason to think more clearly.

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

London backstab

It has been a year since I left London and made a small commuter town beyond the M25 my home but a few years before I left, I voted for Sadiq Khan to be Mayor of London. Looking back I regret the vote because he was show-boating and acting like the foreign secretary or various other cabinet members but knife crime went up on his watch significantly.  There was hundreds of incidents involving stabbings and acid attacks. He didn't seem to do the job he was paid to do. He isn't making London a safe place.

There is little being done to stop the huge crimes from happening in London. Hundreds of
Young people are being stabbed almost every day in London.

I voted for Sadiq Khan because I didn't want Zack Goldsmith to take the helm because he is an environmental politician and doesn't want Heathrow Airport to be expanded. Environmental politicians make it harder to be a motorist so I won't vote for that.

Sunday, 4 November 2018

Pushing the bar

The best thing about having a hobby in this world is when you know you have a need for improvement and still enjoy doing it because then you are pushing the bar.

Every time you do that hobby, you are improving your skill in that hobby and making it better.

In my hobbies, I am very flawed by my own standards. When I draw pictures they are not very good but I am trying to improve every time I draw something. I am seeing how far I can push the bar and make the picture better.

The same is true for this blog, sometimes I see mistakes in my writing. This is because the predictive text on my phone has put a different word to what I have intended and I didn't notice because I loose focus at that point.

Every time I create something, I am trying to get closer to a perfect product.

Saturday, 3 November 2018

Snow flake

In this world, I try not to be angry because prolonged anger is destructive and takes energy away from your constructive thoughts.  I think I have got the upper hand with road rage.

There is one thing that really made me angry and that was discovering that a university student tried to make staff remove a war memorial because all the people on it were white.

The local people in the war memorial painting were all white at the time, that is not their fault. In the 1920's, the UK was not multicultural or multiethnic so there is no evidence the painter was racist or bigoted. Memorials in my view are our way to say sorry and thank you to the war torn communities. I drive past the Polish war memorial nearly every day. We say sorry to the people because they lost their lives and we say thank you for putting yourself in danger for the sake of their community.

If you have a problem with that then keep it to yourself. No one has a right to deface or try to remove war memorials.

Thursday, 1 November 2018

What October means to me

To me October has been a very interesting month.

Quite a lot of corporate scandal has been exposed this month, I won't say much because I can get legal issues if I'm not careful. Philip Green, the director of Top shop was exposed as an alleged sexual pest and bully.
I don't want to give any verdict about Philip Green because I don't know him. Buying a mega yacht is not a bad thing because you are providing employment to all the people that are involved with the production of Yacht and it is the dream of having a Yacht that helped to motivate his hard work and the creation of so many Jobs in the retail sector. If I say something about Philip Green then there is a risk that I am telling a lie about another person and that is a crime from my perspective.

I myself have been the victim of slander in the past. I have been accused of being a Liar and a Thief by complete strangers and it is very sad when a lie is told against you. I am proud of my integrity and feel offended if people try to accuse me of such nasty things. I have also been accused of being gay in the past and that is also a nasty thing to say about a another person if they are not like that.

There was an attack on a Jewish community in Pittsburgh I think, the most toxic thing in this world is hate. I am a white man but I don't think I am superior to anyone. I'm just trying to make my life better and my body is like a boat sailing to placid waters. My body is just like a temporary vehicle to me, taking me on a journey to enlightenment and progress. It is not something to use as hate and bigotry.

My hopes and faith is with the weeks to come.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...