Saturday, 10 November 2018

General Zod

When I was young, I watched a movie called Superman. I think there was 3 or 4 sequals to the movie.

Superman 2 stuck in my mind more than any other because Lex Luther, the villain exposed a big flaw in his character. His greed was so big that it blinded him from seeing the dishonorable nature of General Zod and his crew. He wanted to cut a deal with the intergalactic villains, so he would tell them important information about Superman in exchange for control of Australia.

The story goes like this...
Jarel the king of the planet Crypton had a son that was sent to Earth and he was called Superman. But general Zod rebelled against Jarel and they were imprisoned. General Zod had two partners that helped him and they were all jailed. Everyone from the planet Crypton has super powers on Earth. Crypton was destroyed by its star and General Zod was released from his prison.

Anyway, Zod had no intention of honouring the deal. Once he found Superman, he would kill Lex Luther and by the end of the movie, it was obvious that Lex Luther would never become ruler of Australia. I feel like greed in this world can cause blindness to people and cause them to make deals with unworthy partners.

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