Tuesday, 11 October 2022

Alan Thing

When I read biographies about other people like 'Bill Clinton' or 'Christopher Reeve' I realize that they are not like me at all but I always find something in their character that is like me, there is always something.  Recently I have been reading a book by Tom Hanks, I see Tom Hanks as a very Charismatic personality and seems very extraverted but I'm not like that. But I think he likes old things like Typewriters that are not commonly used today.  I am a bit like that, I like old things that were common in the '90s. 

I like the fact that my smart phone has FM radio built in, with FM radio, you don't need a microprocessor to interpret the radio signal because the signal resembles the sound waves, you just need some transistors and a basic circuit, I think that is why they call it a transistor radio. If you want to get DAB radio, you need a special microchip that can interpret the code in the signal  so I think that is why smart phone makers don't bother with DAB.  The FM radio on my phone only works when you plug in headphones but I recently found some broken headphones but they still work as an antenna; I cut the ear pieces off the end with scissors and found the cable alone works fine. I turn my smart phone into an FM radio and l like reusing broken things in new ways. The FM radio on my phone has a speaker function so I can put the radio on loud speaker, a true pocket FM radio; it also has a record function and Bluetooth output, very nice. 

When my socks get holes or rip, I find a new way to use them, I put the torn socks into empty plant pots and add potted plants to the pot, the soil that came with the plant combines with the sock fabric and works with it. The sock fabric traps moisture and the soil houses the plant roots. The sock is then a part of the soil in the pot that helps to trap water for a long time like a sponge. This brings me joy because I have used an old sock again in a new way. That is an Alan Thing. New functions for old things. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...