In Southern Turkey and Northern Syria they had an earthquake that was close to 8 on the Richter scale at 7.8 . The incident happened on the first week of February on the 6th I believe. I saw a man on the news that had lost his whole family, they were all crushed under what was left of their home, my heart sank low in my chest with pity; I imagined it happening to me, I would be dead to the world, I would never smile again. Someone could give me £8 million and I wouldn't care and have nothing to say. I would be just waiting to die. The world is so cruel yet it has no malice.
The consequences of bad weather and high gas prices in Europe were shortages of soft salad fruits, especially tomatoes. During summer last year there was a long drought, then in the autumn there was a deluge of rain that was very much like a monsoon. Then in winter, frost appeared in the Mediterranean countries that are normally warm all year. Now here in Britain, farmers were shutting down their greenhouses because they couldn't afford the flammable gas to heat then up. Millions of vines throughout Europe were destroyed and shops didn't get much soft fruits. The human food chain is very fragile, it can take something very small to ruin everything for our wellbeing. I often thought to myself that I should stow away extra food and try to grow my own if I can.