Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Four Bones

I learn something new every day, recently I learned there are actually 4 bones in each of our legs; I always thought there was only 3 bones, but I was wrong. 

I strained my Fibula bone in my lower leg because of a bad fall; I strained the ligaments of a bone I never knew existed. I always thought the leg bones comprised of the Femur, the long bone, the Patella, the knee cap and a shin bone. It turns out the shin bone is actually two bones joined together, the Tibia and Fibula. 
The Fibula supports the ankle and helps to carry the weight while you walk. 

I take my legs for granted, I just expect walking to be effortless. I love walking but these last 2 weeks, walking has been very difficult. I get painful cramps when I put weight on my left leg. Even writing entries in this blog has become difficult because the seated posture I take when I write and draw causes my leg to cramp. 

There is so much to learn and forget. 

Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Speck in the Cosmos

One of the scariest things I would do is look out into the sky in a car park at night time. I would become aware of how big space is, a huge abyss that goes on forever in all directions. If that thought doesn't make you feel small, nothing will. I'm just a speck in the cosmos. I'm equal almost to nothing compared to everything else. Next to a puppy, I feel big but compared to the universe, I'm almost nothing, just a speck. 
Then you wonder how the rules persist over such a large space; the moon is roughly 376,000 km away. 1 thousand km takes you half way across west  Europe. The moon is there because the Earth's gravity makes it stay there, it is acting on it over such a large empty vacuum. You could fit all the planets in the space between the Earth and the moon yet even over that distance, it is kept in orbit, around us. There is no string, no radiation, nothing, no visible interaction between the earth and the moon. 

Sunday, 17 November 2024

Half of November

This week they turned on the Christmas lights in my town. It was nice to see lots of people coming together to celebrate and be light hearted. There was lots of street food and open markets, lots of nice things. It was thousands of people trying to be cheerful in these darker days.

I saw lots of people were upset about the outcomes. They were upset about trump winning the American  presidential election and upset about Jake Paul winning his boxing match, they were upset about him coaxing an aged boxer back into the boxing ring. They just need to chill out. If Donald Trump was a natzi, he wouldn't let his daughter marry a Jew. He's no natzi

Friday, 15 November 2024

Jake Paul Tyson Fight

We are hours away from the Jake Paul and Mike Tyson boxing match; I look forward to watching it. It will be interesting  because Mike Tyson is aged and Jake Paul isn't really  a professional world heavyweight champion, the two fighters both have their own handicap so it's difficult to tell who will win.  
Jake Paul is an influencer, someone that makes their own videos on social media that are watched by millions of people, he then got into fighting. Mike Tyson is nearly 60 years old so his body isn't as agile as it was in the '80s and '90s but he has a natural talent for boxing, I was always impressed when I watched him fighting in the '90s. 

In the week leading up to the fight, I found out a few things about the game I'm playing, Zelda and the Tears of the Kingdom. You can use the Zonai glider as a boat, it floats in water and moves quite well when a fan motor and controller is attached. I also realised (I'm English, we spell it like that) You can use the Ultra hand to lift the glider then set it down and use the recall magic to make it levitate and it will fly over a cliff without wheels. I also realised you can attach Zonai items to shields, you can have a shield that shines a flashlight like a torch or one that spits out fire. The Zonai devices can be used in other ways. When you fuse certain stones to swords they spurt out different things like ice, water, electric charges. That's what makes the game so fun I guess; there is more than one way to solve a problem and there are different ways to use items and get by. It is a true open world RPG game, one of the best games I have ever played. 

That is what makes me tick, sitting down on a comfy sofa and playing computer games and watching video streams. 

Tuesday, 12 November 2024

Fiber Now

Through life, I found many things that appeared to be a good idea but they weren't. Sega 32x, Zip drives, Domestic ISDN, those sort of things. I think 5g is one of those things. When it rains heavily, the signal weakens a lot. The signal is usually so weak that it can't be penetrate into people's homes. I think they would need antennas on every street to let it work properly. When 5g doesn't work, you're automatically switched to 4g an older heavily congested internet. I think even trees can disrupt the signal. 
I think the best internet we had for cost was Digital Subscriber Line, the advanced version: ADSL, advanced digital subscriber line; they just used used the spare phone line cable in homes with a filter to get broadband. I like fiber optic internet, we recently switched to full fiber, the cable is so thin yet it carries so much data. 

What will they think of next. 

Sunday, 10 November 2024

Trump 25 and Guy Fawks

When Americans have their Presidential election, we Brits celebrate Guy Fawkes. I asked some of the younger generation if they know why we throw firework parties on 5th of November and what guy Fawkes is; they usually don't know. Guy Fawkes is the celebration of a cancelled civil war, a man called Guy Fawkes and his companions installed explosives under the houses of parliament to blow up king James when he was entering building. It was a failed assassination because they were caught, they wanted to replace king James with a catholic king. If they were successful, England would most likely have a civil war. King James gathered a team of language experts and had the Bible translated from Latin to English so everyone can see the scriptures for themselves. 
I think Donald Trump will be a good president, He wants America to be competitive, low taxes and slightly raised import tariffs. He also wants the border to be secure, having a secure border isn't racist, it is being responsible. All sorts of criminals and gangs will abuse your borders if you let them, they'll send drugs across and run across themselves when they kill people to escape the police. We will see what happens over the next 4 years. 

Wednesday, 6 November 2024

Ticket to the Blues

Recently there was a large flash flood in Spain. I saw the King of Spain and the president were together visiting the place but people were shouting abuse at them and throwing things at them. I thought to myself, what did the king do to you? Did he summon the storm? If someone doesn't do anything to you then why shout abuse at them? Some monarchs wouldn't even care or visit at all. 
In the middle of this month, a famous youTuber called Jake Paul will fight Mike Tyson in a Boxing match. I thought that he would become unpopular, if he wins the match it would be like he is beating up an old man, if he loses then he would look like he's a bad boxer because a retired boxer beat him. The best outcome for him would be a draw. Is coaxing retired boxers into a match a new thing now;  perhaps someone will try and get George Foreman into a match or Frank Bruno. I think many people will be happy if they see Jake Paul getting beaten up by an old man. 

I might watch the match just out of curiosity. 

Sunday, 3 November 2024

What October 2024 Means to Me

In October I was astonished because there was no frost. There may have briefly been some frost that melted before I was aware of it but most of the time, mornings were frost free. Sometimes the temperature went up into double digits, 15°c or there abouts, something you'd expect in spring, not mid autumn. It was a year after the October 7th Hamas attacks, people were still arguing about it because the war spread north into Lebanon. I don't think about it because I have no control over anything, I'm not involved. I'm just an ordinary man that minds his own business. 
The labour party announced their planned budget, higher taxes and higher spending; God help us all. I just try not to think about lows and dips life. I just want to think about the things that bring a smile, delicious food, days off work, playing computer games, doing my hobbies, sipping coffee and thinking nothing, watching TV for a while, reading an interesting book, all those sort of things.  

Lots of famous powerful people passed away in October, Liam Payne from one direction,  Hamas and Hesbullah leaders, plus a few pioneering scientists. I imagined the waiting room in the after life will be quite interesting. How would they break the ice for small talk?

Life is short, especially when your cause of death isn't natural causes. Every minute you live is a gift. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...