Sunday, 3 November 2024

What October 2024 Means to Me

In October I was astonished because there was no frost. There may have briefly been some frost that melted before I was aware of it but most of the time, mornings were frost free. Sometimes the temperature went up into double digits, 15°c or there abouts, something you'd expect in spring, not mid autumn. It was a year after the October 7th Hamas attacks, people were still arguing about it because the war spread north into Lebanon. I don't think about it because I have no control over anything, I'm not involved. I'm just an ordinary man that minds his own business. 
The labour party announced their planned budget, higher taxes and higher spending; God help us all. I just try not to think about lows and dips life. I just want to think about the things that bring a smile, delicious food, days off work, playing computer games, doing my hobbies, sipping coffee and thinking nothing, watching TV for a while, reading an interesting book, all those sort of things.  

Lots of famous powerful people passed away in October, Liam Payne from one direction,  Hamas and Hesbullah leaders, plus a few pioneering scientists. I imagined the waiting room in the after life will be quite interesting. How would they break the ice for small talk?

Life is short, especially when your cause of death isn't natural causes. Every minute you live is a gift. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...