Friday, 31 January 2025

Washington Plane Crash

I learnt on Wednesday, there was a plane crash on the approach to Washington airport. A small passenger plane collided with a Black Hawk helicopter while it was descending towards runway 33. I think black hawk helicopters are military rescue aircraft, they're like ambulances that are very hard to shoot down. They have lots of armoured plates and flare guns that automatically confuse missiles. The motor of the helicopter is all at the top of the aircraft with armour surrounding it and there are 4 rotor blades. It doesn't carry missiles but I think they attach Gatling machine guns to the sides for defence. They winch up injured soldiers or drop medicine and supplies to troops. 

The passenger aircraft was a CRJ-700, they're very small aircraft that carry less than 100 passengers; they're designed for small domestic flights with fewer passenger numbers. It has two small jet engines attached next to the tail fins of the aircraft for excellent stability. It is a very efficient small aircraft developed by the Bombardier corporation in Canada. I think the airline using the aircraft was American Airlines. 

Going by all the reports from news, I would say it was an accident caused by poor communication. The black hawk helicopter was performing a training exercise and the airline was heading for the airport. They were both in the wrong place at the wrong time because neither of them were aware of the hazard. The good thing is there were only 60 passengers on the plane. If it was a larger plane, there could have been hundreds of deaths. 

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Trump Gets to Work

During these last two weeks of January, President Donald Trump has been busy implementing his policies. I recall he sent American soldiers to the border to make sure the cartel gangs could not get their drugs across. I think he also told the Colombian government that he would increase import tariffs if they didn't allow their illegal migrants to be returned to their country. He's not messing about, he was serious about what he said.

It was while this was happening that a powerful storm called Erowin(welsh Name) moved across the north side of my island nation. It damaged buildings and toppled many trees. Some people were fatally injured by the storm. At the same time I also noticed at night the planet Mars was visible at the same time as Venus. I could see both the planets. I think Jupiter and Saturn were also visible. Mars looks like a star with a pink hue in the sky. Venus looks like a small version of the moon but always sits on the horizon at sunrise and dawn. 

I don't hate illegal immigrants, I just don't like the side effects of having many illegals. If a letting agent posts a property and 20 or 30 people show up, they take the property off the market and put the property back up again a week later at a much higher price. The high demand for property makes the property more expensive. People tell me this is not true but I have seen it happen with my own eyes.  This also makes commercial properties more expensive. The other problem is the pressure to increase wages in low paying jobs goes down. Warehouse workers get smaller pay rises when there are many immigrants because there isn't a shortage of workers. If there were a slight shortage of workers, companies would increase their wages more to keep their staff. This doesn't happen in an overcrowded area. 

Friday, 24 January 2025

Storm Eowyn

A new storm is heading across northern Ireland and the Island of Great Britain called Eowyn, a nice welsh name. Some parts of Scotland and northern England will have 100 mph winds and they have a red weather warning. It is windy down here in southern England. Hopefully, most of the trees won't be toppled down. 

I read in a book titled 1001 QI(game show) facts a claim that Britain is the windiest place in Europe. The average wind speed in Britain is more than everywhere else in Europe. That makes sense to me, we are right in the path of the golf stream and there are also often different air pressure zones above our skies. I also feel a breeze in my face every day, except when we need it during a heat wave. There is always some kind of wind present. 

I felt a little bit annoyed because I saw a priest praying in front of Donald Trump but it was a passive message to the president. It wasn't really a prayer. She was sending him a message saying to support LGBT kids and illegal immigrants. The Christian religion is against Gay and Bisexual lifestyles, it is very clear in the scriptures so the church shouldn't be interfering with that issue. I think kids shouldn't worry about their gender until they have gone through puberty and they have some clarity about who they are; a 11 year old kid should't be worried about what gender they are, they should be worried about if they can solve maths problems and things like that. I think schools should concentrate on teaching kids skills.

Donald Trump has made it very clear that gangs are misusing the american border to sell drugs and smuggle people for profit, I don't think he's after ordinary people. I didn't see any priest pray in front of Biden saying God help us not to print too much money so the debt ceiling doesn't go half way to the moon. I did't see any priest say make sure the abortion time limit is kept off the 3rd trimester. 

It's annoying when I see things like that. 


Monday, 20 January 2025

Trump Becomes President

 When I look at all politicians, I feel like they're making promises they're not sure they can keep; I feel like they're all being dishonest. I guess they can't show how they really feel, they would come across as timid or lacking confidence. 

I noticed that a lot of Americans have chosen to stop talking to their family members because they have a different political polarity. I hope we Brits are never like that. Their values are twisted, they value the wrong things. Their political polarity is more important than the relationship with their family members; they have set a conditional relationship with their family based on a superficial thing like politics. Those same people also have conditional respect for people, if you vote different to them, they would consider you a bad person or stupid. They're judging people based on a vote; this is wrong on a number of levels. The person may know more than you so their experience is aiding their vote, it is possible you're wrong and you're not infallible. The person may be wrong to vote the way they did but they still deserve respect and love. Bullying people for voting differently to you is actually a form a fascism, even if you think they're fascist, the real fascist is looking back at you in the mirror being intolerant of other people's views.   

Donald Trump will be the President of the USA for the next 4 years until 2029. Always remember that most people are voting for what they consider the lesser of two evils. They dislike both parties but they're voting for a party they think are a bit better and more competent. Love and respect your family and friends. 

Thursday, 16 January 2025

Middle of January

The Middle of January passed by the other day. Large parts of Los Angeles burnt down because of a powerful bush fire and strong winds. I feel pity for all the people that lost their homes in the fire, some of those people were only able to get a house once in their life. I think it is a man made problem. If you have a lot of trees and plants near houses, you need to prepare for dry periods; some of the fire hydrants didn't have enough water pressure to be used. The local government also cut funding to the fire departments. I also noticed that destructive behaviour is presented as an alpha male trait in movies and TV shows. I think people are being brain washed into thinking the tough guy is the man that destroys things. I learnt the other day that a number of arsonists were caught and arrested. 

I was filled with worried thoughts throughout December and January, sometimes it is better not to think. I saw a video of a small pig being torn to pieces by wild dogs and felt pity for the pig. This whole world is like that, everything is trying to consume you. There are beasts, diseases and bad luck waiting for opportunities against us all. Sometimes thinking about the possible bad outcomes can be very distressing. Sometimes you can feel like the pig being attacked by wild dogs.  

I learnt the other day that Christmas is celebrated on the 7th of January in the east because they still use the Julian calendar and the accuracy of the calendar has drifted over the years. Wouldn't it be nice to have a festival in the middle of January, the middle of winter.  It is still dark and cold this time of year but nothing happens in January, there is no party to cheer you up unless you have a birthday in that month. Perhaps there could be two little events, one for the end of January and one for the end of February.


Monday, 13 January 2025

One Third of January

One third of January passed by already, it seemed like yesterday that we were setting up the Christmas  tree at the start of December.

The issue these days is the  chancellor of Britain being unable to make ends meet in the budget. Rachel Reeves claims there is no way for us to live within our means right now and would need to borrow money to balance our public spending. I think the Canadian PM quit for a similar reason. Rising costs are eating away our spending power and inflation isn't helping much. If Jesus comes back soon, now is a good time; the whole world is hanging on a rope. I think a single default on American debt payments is all it will take now to drag the world into a global recession. 

I can only keep calm and carry on. I keep my thoughts in happy places. January is the time when we start to Browse for holiday deals. I look at places I can go in the summer time. I search for hotel and travel tariffs. Then I go to online shops and look at funny t-shirts. Short breaks are achievable, perhaps 3 days at the coast on the week of my birthday. Reading the bible and looking at deals keeps me busy. I have a nice 'New King James' bible; it has a satin ribbon bookmark bound in it and all the 15th century pronouns have been replaced by modern day ones so it is easier to read. 

Stay active, be happy. 

Sunday, 12 January 2025

California Fires

I recently learnt that there were bush fires breaking out throughout California on the east coast of the united states. The fires had destroyed many homes and caused devastation. LA city was one of the places that was affected. I feel pity for all the people that were affected. 

I blame the bush fires on evil. In the media and films, people that destroy things are presented as sexy and powerful. The guy that shoots the most people dead gets the girls. People think it is cool and sexy to destroy things, they say I'm a bad boy and go out with flame throwers burning bushes and starting dangerous fires. I see this behaviour everywhere, I see people smashing up vending machines to impress the girls, they think they're bad boys, they want to have an image of a tough guy that fears nothing.

If you spray poison into the air, people get sick. The same is true for mental poison. If destructive behaviour is presented as sexy and cool, you'll end up with people causing mischief. 
It is sad because some people that lost their homes put all their life savings into it and lost everything. The only feeling is pity.  

This fire disaster wasn't natural, there was a dry spell with arsonists roaming around burning up bushes to make themselves feel powerful.    


Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Angry January

One thing I noticed about my society is we tend to copy the Americans.  It's usually a good thing to copy the Americans, but not this time. 
America has what I call selective respect; you're only respected by other people if you share their political polarity or have expensive possessions. If society becomes like that, no one living there will be happy. 
I see people hurling insults at trump voters, they call them stupid or pigs. Some people hate both the parties but they vote republican because they don't want their government to print too much money or to raise the abortion limit to the 3rd trimester, when the fetus is more like an infant. Everyone is entitled to their freedom of speech.

Elon Musk indirectly asked the King of Great Britain to force a general election early. He is spot on, the king can do that. I don't think he will though. I think they try not to get involved. 

Sunday, 5 January 2025

Crows Basket

I was laying down waiting to fall asleep and thought of a fictional story in my head. I imagined a forgotten civilisation that existed 50,000 years ago. They treasured people that were born as dwarfs because they created a basket that tetheres with 50 domestic crows. They all pull on a string and carry the basket. They can't carry a full sized man but they can carry a man with dwarfism. They would update their maps and carry important messages to the different parts of the kingdom using these baskets with dwarves in them. The 50 crows have strings around their feet and work in tandem to lift the basket into the air. The dwarfs are also able to navigate the cave systems and draw more maps. 
In this scenario, powered flight didn't start with the right brothers, it started with this civilization. One of the dwarfs thought it would be a good idea to keep a fire in the basket and trap the hot air from the fire in a large cloth to give the basket extra lift so the crows would only need to tug the basket forward and not lift it, but a deadly strain of small pox rampaged through the kingdom and caused many people to die. All their technology and progress was abandoned in one month. It was as if they never existed.

Dreams dreams dreams.   

Friday, 3 January 2025

What December 2024 Means To Me

It was during December 2024 that Russia was busy fighting Ukraine and stopped helping Bashar Assad keep control of Syria. At the start of December rebel forces had taken over the country and brought an end to the Assad regime. I wasn't happy about it because the last time he lost control of his country, the new authority Isis were worse than him. They were murdering all sorts of people because they had different beliefs and backgrounds. I remember summer 2014 was shocking for everyone, people were being lined up and shot in the head. Even ordinary soldiers that were doing their job were murdered in captivity. Isis were barbaric and inhumane and much worse than Bashar Assad. There was hope because the new rebel groups seems to distance themselves from Isis. Let's see what happens. I guess their first goal would be to clean up Damascus and Aleppo, those cities were trashed in the fighting. 
The progress of AI continued at a fast pace; new AI systems like Grok and Gemini were catching up with the group. They recently were able to draw images on command. chatGPT, Grok and Gemini can all draw graw images on command even though their primary function is language support. AI is at a stage where it is a selfless friend. I think we should be very careful about letting it develop itself, it could become very dangerous in the future. There could become a time when AI systems are sly and have control of robots. 

I noticed that bollards were used more often now to stop terror attacks like the one that happened in new Orleans. Bollard factories will be busy. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...