Sunday, 12 January 2025

California Fires

I recently learnt that there were bush fires breaking out throughout California on the east coast of the united states. The fires had destroyed many homes and caused devastation. LA city was one of the places that was affected. I feel pity for all the people that were affected. 

I blame the bush fires on evil. In the media and films, people that destroy things are presented as sexy and powerful. The guy that shoots the most people dead gets the girls. People think it is cool and sexy to destroy things, they say I'm a bad boy and go out with flame throwers burning bushes and starting dangerous fires. I see this behaviour everywhere, I see people smashing up vending machines to impress the girls, they think they're bad boys, they want to have an image of a tough guy that fears nothing.

If you spray poison into the air, people get sick. The same is true for mental poison. If destructive behaviour is presented as sexy and cool, you'll end up with people causing mischief. 
It is sad because some people that lost their homes put all their life savings into it and lost everything. The only feeling is pity.  

This fire disaster wasn't natural, there was a dry spell with arsonists roaming around burning up bushes to make themselves feel powerful.    


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