Friday, 30 October 2015

Shaker Aamer

Today I'm so happy and grateful that I have never been to prison. Innocent men are being incarcerated on a regular basis

I found out today that there was a British  man called Shaker Aamer that was held in Guantanamo Bay prison for 13 years but he apparently didn't do anything wrong, he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.  I think it is wrong to imprison people without a trial for years and years because that is not fair. The authorities can accuse anyone they like of being a terrorist and imprison them for an unlimited time with no questions asked. Well, I hope he gets compensation for this miscarriage of justice. He never saw his son but his son is already a teenager.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Brother's guy Fawkes party

Today I'm so happy and grateful for wealth health and Joy.

I'm also grateful in advance for the solution to all the worlds storm problems because when people come together and put their minds to something they can do anything, the question is not if but when.

The first Wednesday of November my younger brother Paul will host a Guy Fawkes party. Guy Fawkes is a celebration of a failed assassination attempt of a protestant king in England. Somehow I feel that the Youth in my country don't know their own history and that breaks my heart because it is important to know your roots and to understand why things are the way they are. I'm sure they will just say it is just bomb fire night. To celebrate the event English people light fire works and a fire and put a guy doll representing Guy on top of the fire. I hope to add a twist to the celebration by buying a cheap but nice laser light show device. Laser shows work well when there is lots of smoke present. If it works well then I can keep the laser show for new year and the following years. There is no waste that way and it is safer than fireworks. The beauty of having a laser light show system is that you get very pretty patterns projected onto the surroundings and still have fireworks going off at the same time, the smoke from the fireworks will get hit by the laser rays and surely add to the effect.

Well, lets see what happens. It will be interesting to see how the party unfolds.

Alan Booth Author of "unanswered questions of Alan John Booth" on all kindle platforms.

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Simple pleasures

Today I'm so happy and grateful for good health wealth and joy.

I am also thankful for immunisation because there are many nasty infections that exist in this world but I never caught them because my society is already immune.

One of the best feelings in this world is lying down and watching tv or reading after a long shift when you feel very tired.
Looking back some if the best books I have read on my kindle app are holocaust memoirs and paranormal cross examination books. One book that stands out is Issac Copperfield's life in Auswitz, Issac was a carpenter and he used his carpentry skills to make hidden panels so he could smuggle food into his quarters and did many cleaver things to stay alive, a very nice book. 

I don't know how old I am when I read this again but right now you are into documentaries like BBC horizon and air crash investigation.

Friday, 23 October 2015

Violent times

I'm so happy and grateful for health wealth and joy in plenty.

Yesterday a very angry young man went into a school in Sweden and attacked the students and staff. Isis is attracting more angry people from around world and they want to kill all the Jews in the middle east.
Well what can I say, people are people and there are good and bad people in this world,  if I try to change others then I'll be wasting my time because they won't listen to me. Even the weather is violent these days,  mexico is experiencing the most violent storm in the regions history.

There is good news that is also interesting to read, just need to follow the right sources on twitter. New discoveries are being made every day. The other day they discovered two stars that were touching and exchanging material and evidence of Dyson spheres around distant stars in the galaxy.

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Dinner music & Heart strings

Today I'm so happy and grateful for all the health, wealth, and joy that comes my way today tomorrow and for the rest of my life.

I'm thankful for my girlfriend because I love her very much.

My girlfriend has changed me a lot I think. I listen to music very often and intend to take up ball room dancing with her also in the near future.

Looking for some chill out music to play while I eat my dinner. I think music makes the food taste nicer somehow. I just wonder if I'm the only person that thinks that way. I wonder which music makes the food taste the best. If it is not the music that improves the taste of my food then it must be my good mood.

Back to the future and the past

I am so thankful and grateful now that I'm not paralysed. People that suffer from paralysis are imprisoned in their own bodies and can't move freely. I'm also thankful that

Yesterday was the day in the back to the future movie when the time travelling sports car resurfaced in the future. It is a little different to the present day, we don't have flying cars over our streets and we don't have holograms floating around in our homes and in front of businesses. Some of the technology was correct like video conferencing and hand held computers.

If a Delorian sports car appeared out of thin air now then there are some people that should get in and go back to 1985, like all the politicians that think we still need a Nuclear attack system and anti gay marriage protesters. 

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

New youtube playlist

Today I'm so happy and grateful for all the wonders of nature. I'm also happy and thankful for my Nephew and Niece because I love them both, love displaces fear and stress.

I have created a new you tube playlist filled with soul and slow pop songs from the 80s nineties and new mel.

I play this album when I am doing housework. I don't care if gay men like some of the songs in this playlist. It is a feel good play list and I feel good playing it. I hope to add new songs to it in the near future.

Monday, 19 October 2015

China and us

Today I'm so happy and grateful for my parents because I will be a lesser man without them.

I'm also grateful for the world and all the many wonders that are in it. There is a place that is full of wonders and that is China. The country of China is leading many science projects and making many wonderful discoveries. They spend less then other countries on war and more on innovation and part of me thinks it would be a good idea to learn their language. China may have issues but no country is perfect. I'm glad that Britain's relationship with China is a positive and constructive one. We have worked with other countries in the past and created wonderful things such as the Eurotunnel and super sonic aircraft.

I look for to future Anglo Chinese projects and long happy future trading with them.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

6th return

Today I am so happy and grateful to see rain drops falling on still water. Thousands of expanding rings appear on the water.

Today I returned home from the Netherlands and I'm on my way home. I continue with my projects and will continue only to look at the end result.

Must keep my chin up and stay strong.

Long Journey

Today I am happy and grateful now that doors are opening and wealth is coming. I am also happy and grateful now that I'm not deaf because a simple phone call would be impossible without my hearing. Communicating and hearing music would be something I can't do.

It was a long Journey home today because I came back by coach. The travel time was not wasted because I used the time constructively. I thought of many ideas for my products and thought about how I will use the time I have more constructively.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Alan Calendar, alternate calendar

I am grateful for my girlfriend  and 
Today I am so happy and grateful now that my brain ticks away trying to solve everything because it makes my life worth living.

If I made a calendar it would be different to the Georgian calendar that we all use.
Firstly a week would be 12 days long because twelve can be divided evenly by 1,2,3,4 6 and 12.  Seven is a prime number and can only be divided by 1 and itself. The days of the week would be as follows

1) First day, this is the first day of the week
2) Second Day, this is the second day of the week
3) Quarter Day, this day is one quarter the way through the week so it is called quarter day.
4)  Athird  Day, this day is one third the way through the week.
5) hand day, There are five digits on the hand so the fifth day is called hand day.
6) Half day, This day is half way through the week so it is called half day.
7) Lost day, This day is called lost day because it is a prime number and doesn't fit any number system
8) Twothird day, this day is called twothird day because it is 2 thirds of the week
9) ThreeQuarter day, this day is 3 quarters of the alan week so it is called 3 quarters day.
10) Otherhand day, two hands have 10 digits so this is other hand day
11) Rest day, This is the second from the last day of the week.
12) Last day, This is the last day if the week so it is called lastday.

Half day, Lost day and Rest day are days of rest. The other days are for working. I feel that hand day and other hand day would have significance because they are five days apart and spaced out.  3 and 9 are quarter days. 4 and 8 are Thirds days.

If hand day and other hand day both fell on even days of the a month in that week then they would become two extra days of rest. This would only happen on certain weeks of the year that bridge two months together.

Secondly there would only be 5 months in a year because there is 365 days in the year. This a multiple of 5. So 5 months can each have an equal amount of days. Each month has 73 days. Two months are cold months and 3 are warm ones. Each alan month would have just over 6 alan weeks.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Murdered friend

Today I am so thankful and grateful now that wealth is on the way. Thanks for my future home.

I'm so happy and grateful that I have not been murdered. Two days ago I found out on Facebook that a friend of mine was murdered. I could not believe it and thought it was a joke but it is true.

She has a young son called Jack aged just 5 years. I hope that he can live a good and constructive life without his Mum's presence.

Murder is a very sudden thing and I can  be walking down the street and be stabbed and bleed to death in less than one minute. That is how sudden it is.

I wonder what makes people kill other people. I hope that in the future machines would be present that can detect murderous intentions inside a persons mind. Such a machine could alert the authorities and the person could then be quarantined from society and receive the appropriate remedy, like counselling or drugs or just being separate from society.  

I also look to bats to inspire people to make machines that can detect knives and guns in peoples pockets using sound pulses. Every problem in this world has a solution and I can only hope that murder is reduced to almost zero.

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Dirty bomb

I am so happy and grateful now that we are not at war here in England because the terror of war is absolutely nasty on many levels.

Earlier this month I found out that a criminal in Russia was caught trying to sell radioactive cesium, he thought that he was selling the toxic chemical to Isis and was hoping it would be used in America but he was actually selling it to a government agent, how I am relieved . A dirty bomb is a conventional bomb that is contaminated with poison to make it far more dangerous, the debris from the bomb continue to kill and injure people after the bomb has exploded as the breathe it in or touch it with their skin.   The poison could be a radioactive material or it could be a nerve poison like Raisin or Cyanide, it could be a living thing like the deadly anthrax bacteria. Dirty bombs are usually targeted at busy city centres so my logic is not to live in London but to move away to a smaller city because anything that can happen will happen. London and New York are targets because of their size and the fact they are crowded places.

Being my typical self I sat down for a while and though through possible solutions that would reduce deaths caused by such bombs. Perhaps the street could be divided up into partitioned sections. The ancient people used layered walls throughout their cities, perhaps walls would make a come back. Poisons can't go through walls and the gates in the walls would drop down to contain the poison if a bomb went off. Then again the poison could go over the wall. This won't work. People could carry gas masks with them in their pockets. That would be a good idea. And they could put cream on their skin that stops radio active particles reaching their skin.

Friday, 9 October 2015

Bmw shme mw

Today I am so happy and grateful that I never dropped my phone down the loo, had a few close shaves but so far no splashes.

I am grateful for life ahead because it is bright and filled with abundance.

Is it just me that thinks that BMW owners drive like idiots?  It is mostly the BMW make of car that is always tailgating me on the road. They never seem to use their indicators when they are making a turn even if they are turning left on the round about. BMWs pull out of side roads and force me to press the brakes at least twice a week.

I have seen 20 crashed cars on the side of the road this year and 15 of them were BMWs.

What I want to know is if it is the car that changes the owner into a bad driver or is it the bad driver that chooses the BMW? 

The bad driving of BMWs has led me to loose interest in the car because it would not suit me. I don't drive like an idiot so would rather get another car. I'm not saying all BMW owners are bad drivers, i'm sure there are plenty of good bmw drivers out there.

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Israel conflict, my solution

There is a lot of conflict in Israel. The problem is that the Palestinian people are displaced from their homes and they are very angry. They attack Israeli citizens and the Israeli defence force retaliates by attacking them in an endless cycle of violence

I believe that there are no terrorists in Israel or the west bank or in Gaza. There is just people that want to survive and live well. The Jews want to be governed by Jews because previous governments they resided in turned on them and tried to Irradiate them. The Palestinian people want their homes back because their homes belonged to their family for centuries and they belong there.

Part of the problem is Jerusalem city because it is a holy city to the Jews and the Palestinian people. My solution is first to Declare Jerusalem city an independent holy city state, just like the Vatican in Rome. If Jerusalem is really a holy city then it does not belong to anyone, it should just belong to itself. Next every displaced person should be compensated for the land they have lost by receiving land reclaimed from the sea that is 1.4 times bigger then the land that is taken from them. The 0.4 is compensation for the sentimental loss and infrastructure lost such as olive trees and livestock.  And finally non lethal weapons should be used for the remaining angry people that lost relatives in the conflict. For a whole lifetime there will be angry people that were robbed of family members. The less deaths you have the less future angry people you will have. Shoot people with tranquillisers and not rifles. Use tazers and not bullets. Never forget that every person in the middle east is a human being. I am hopeful for peace, life is a precious gift we are capable of peaceful outcomes if we use our minds and think clearly.

Today I am so happy and grateful for my job because my thumbs are never idle and I receive an income with thanks.

I am thankful for both my hands because they are a portal to my mind and I use them for everything I do. And I am thankful that I don't have cancer because every year I live is like a cancer lottery and so far I don't have a ticket.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Village in my head

I am so happy and grateful that I don't have diabetes because that is good luck and I recognise that.

I am thankful for spelling corrections on my phone so when I press the wrong character or just misspell the word, it is corrected.

I am so happy and grateful that my mind is still in tact, life is worthless without a functioning mind, my mind could be one of a kind;
There is a an entire village inside my mind. I actually walk through this village every day. In the village there is a Dyke in the middle with a foot path on top of it.

The the west side of the village has a hall in it, inside the hall there are machines that I one day hope to make. The machines are energy machines and games consoles they change and I try over and over again to modify them.

On the other side of the village on the east side is plants that are made of shiny metal leaves. They are chrome and gold in colour and glisten in a continuous reddish sunshine. The Dyke between the east and west of the village converges onto a village centre that has buildings that  are modern and open planed, they are white and have green and yellow stripes on the outside of them and have big open spaces inside. There is are continuous tones and sounds on the main street.  Walking though this place is peaceful and feels like it was always here.

The Village is not real to anyone but it is real to me because the signals in my brain that cause it to be there are real. Every thought you have in your mind exists as a state and is said to be real one way or another.

When I die sometime in the future an entire paradise will die with me. I am the only person that has been there. When I ask myself why I created this place the answer is because I can. When you play music you seem not to gain anything from it but you play it anyway because that is the way we are.

My greatest possession

My greatest two possessions is not my two games Consol's, my greatest possession is not my car. My greatest possession is not my phone or tablet. My greatest possession is not my e book.

My greatest possession I posses can't be seen, my greatest possession is integrity and my dreams.

I am proud of my integrity and my dreams because there are few things that are more important than that. People are not possessions so i'm not ruling out family & friends.

Second after that is gratitude and good will because they lead to good things.

Today I'm so happy and thankful for my good health and lack of pain.

I'm so happy and grateful for coffee because when I drink it my brain switches on. 

I'm so happy and grateful for all the opportunities that are present because doors are opening every day.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

My Feminine side

My feminine side is a lesbian. And she likes the shinny appearance of glitter. I think that is it.

Uk plastic bag charge

Today England has implemented a compulsory plastic bag charge of 5p per bag. This is to protect the environment.

Plastic bags ultimately cause landfill and use resources to make.   There is a way to recycle them. I believe that the Chinese have found a way to recycle them, they can spin the polythene into fabric. The Japanese can turn the bags back into oil and then into gasoline, diesel and petrol. You can use a more expensive plastic to make the bags that can be recycled that is what most stores do now. In primark clothing stores they give you paper bags

For a long time there has been folding reusable bags that go into your pocket. You can also trade the bag you have to get another bag. It is not a loss to the person with the bag. Another thing you could do it ask for card board boxes and use those to carry your shopping.

Another thing you could do is not use bags at all and just keep crates or boxes in your boot. When you are at the checkout just put the food items back into the trolley without bags and then load the stuff into boxes when you get to your car. There are many possibilities.

Sunday, 4 October 2015

Black Cab losses , my solution

Today there was a huge flash flood in France because of bad storms they are having. I feel bad for them and hope they recover quickly.

Here in England there is a very different problem, we have professional taxi drivers called black cab drivers. They drive black Cabs. There are also private taxi companies such as uber taxis. They are undercutting the price of the black cab drivers and at the same time giving themselves very poor incomes. The black cab drivers are loosing business and struggling to live.
I have a solution to the problem in my head, the question I have is will the problem get solved in reality if they tried it? This is how it would work...The black cab drivers can run a car pulling programme with local businesses. A journey in a black cab can cost around £20, this is expensive but a black cab can seat 5 people. If 5 people take a trip in a black cab then they only need to pay £4 each and the cab will zig zag to all the different locations that the passengers want to go to. There can be four routes; northward, southward, eastward or westward of the premises; 5 people heading north would get in one cab. 5 people heading west in another cab and so on. If the cab was doing this repeatedly throughout the day then he could cut the price to £15 so then each person is only paying £3 to be taken from the work premises car park to their doorstep. That is good value for money. If there is a repeated use of the service then the black cab driver can even charge £10 per 5 group and still make a very good income during the day. Just ten trips making him £100 and each person in the group would only be paying £2, most people work 20 shifts per month so it would be 40 trips, that is just £80 per month. That is roughly the the price of one month bus pass in London and it is cheaper than most rail tickets. My mind ticks away every day.

Today I am thankful for fresh padded socks because when I put them on my feet, I feel like a new person. I give thanks for my own home because I don't have one now but believe and feel that it is on the way to me.

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Aspiration for a dream

It is a cool October day. Russia has joined America and Europe in strikes against Isis in Syria. NASA is aware that there is briny  water inside porous rocks on Mars and made everyone think they have discovered life outside earth. Cows are dying of madness. Stephen hawking has predicted the extermination of mankind but he didn't predict his computer would need and laughter sound effect. If you are reading this in the future  and you are robot race or aliens that have destroyed mankind then you are bored.

Today I'm thankful for food because there are some people in the world that are starving and I'm not one of them. I am also thankful for my dreams because they will become a reality.

Earlier in the day my toaster oven arrived. Looked pretty sturdy for  something that costs £24. I didn't get a chance to try it out yet but I'm sure it works well.

I still feel this burning desire to bring all the little creations in my mind into the real world. The portal between my mind and the real world is my hands. One product left my mind and entered the real world but there are many that want to get out.

Friday, 2 October 2015

Autumn is here

I'm sure it was autumn 2 weeks ago but it is certainly autumn now. The migratory birds are flying away and the leaves on the temperate trees are turning red, it is getting cold late in the evening and early morning.

There is a big festive line up in the next three months. In the uk it is party time. Halloween, Guy Fawkes, Christmas and New year are on the way. I'm sure I'll be very very busy. I will be saying good buy to my girlfriend in December and she will live on the other side of the planet. It is  hard to live without my girlfriend being within a thousand milles of me but I'll manage and keep myself busy. I love my girlfriend very much but it will be ok in the end.

I thank the Maker for fresh air and good will. I thank the maker for potential because it can flow through me and take me to places of awe that was not there before. I thank the Maker for the day because it is a million second miracle.

My American Aunty past through shortly last week but we were unable to visit. I hope she doesn't feel bad about it.

Delivery issues.

I was planning to collect a package from a pick up point but the delivery company said they could not do it, the package never showed up. The delivery company that works with my vending machine franchise is very unreliable.

I have had 4 deliveries from them and they all had issues.

I thought that taking the package to a pickup point is easier for them than taking it to my home but no, then they said they will come to my home and they could not make it. Perhaps next time I could just send it to a bigger distribution site because the collection point is just an ordinary shop.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...