Friday, 9 October 2015

Bmw shme mw

Today I am so happy and grateful that I never dropped my phone down the loo, had a few close shaves but so far no splashes.

I am grateful for life ahead because it is bright and filled with abundance.

Is it just me that thinks that BMW owners drive like idiots?  It is mostly the BMW make of car that is always tailgating me on the road. They never seem to use their indicators when they are making a turn even if they are turning left on the round about. BMWs pull out of side roads and force me to press the brakes at least twice a week.

I have seen 20 crashed cars on the side of the road this year and 15 of them were BMWs.

What I want to know is if it is the car that changes the owner into a bad driver or is it the bad driver that chooses the BMW? 

The bad driving of BMWs has led me to loose interest in the car because it would not suit me. I don't drive like an idiot so would rather get another car. I'm not saying all BMW owners are bad drivers, i'm sure there are plenty of good bmw drivers out there.

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