Sunday, 4 October 2015

Black Cab losses , my solution

Today there was a huge flash flood in France because of bad storms they are having. I feel bad for them and hope they recover quickly.

Here in England there is a very different problem, we have professional taxi drivers called black cab drivers. They drive black Cabs. There are also private taxi companies such as uber taxis. They are undercutting the price of the black cab drivers and at the same time giving themselves very poor incomes. The black cab drivers are loosing business and struggling to live.
I have a solution to the problem in my head, the question I have is will the problem get solved in reality if they tried it? This is how it would work...The black cab drivers can run a car pulling programme with local businesses. A journey in a black cab can cost around £20, this is expensive but a black cab can seat 5 people. If 5 people take a trip in a black cab then they only need to pay £4 each and the cab will zig zag to all the different locations that the passengers want to go to. There can be four routes; northward, southward, eastward or westward of the premises; 5 people heading north would get in one cab. 5 people heading west in another cab and so on. If the cab was doing this repeatedly throughout the day then he could cut the price to £15 so then each person is only paying £3 to be taken from the work premises car park to their doorstep. That is good value for money. If there is a repeated use of the service then the black cab driver can even charge £10 per 5 group and still make a very good income during the day. Just ten trips making him £100 and each person in the group would only be paying £2, most people work 20 shifts per month so it would be 40 trips, that is just £80 per month. That is roughly the the price of one month bus pass in London and it is cheaper than most rail tickets. My mind ticks away every day.

Today I am thankful for fresh padded socks because when I put them on my feet, I feel like a new person. I give thanks for my own home because I don't have one now but believe and feel that it is on the way to me.

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