Saturday, 31 December 2016

Thank you 2016

The year 2016 has come to an end and it is now 2017. I leave the year saying thank you and with hope that my dreams will come true. I have learnt many things in 2016 and I am a lucky man.

My home was never robed. I still have my Job. I got married. My health seems OK. I have many good memories. My car didn't break down throughout the year. I wish everyone a happy new year. I think that 2017 is going to be a great year.

Friday, 30 December 2016

Moody again

Today I started getting into a moody state. It started when I saw rich lobbyists trying to stop Brexit again. We were promised by the government that they would follow our vote. All I can say is that if the house of lords vote to stop article 50 then perhaps they should vote to remove the house of lords because they seem to be of no use to anyone. Then I got a headache just above my eyebrow again. Emotions can make your body feel sick I guess.

Today I learned that a very good way to clean glass is to use a newspaper because it smears less.

I am grateful that I can change and perhaps try to read news articles that don't make me feel angry and give me a headache. Interesting discoveries are much better. Perhaps I should comment on the news articles that are positive more often. 

Make a movie

I have given myself a challenge of making a movie. If you add all the time of all my videos together then you will find that the time is longer than a movie anyway, they go on for hours. The movie would hopefully be available on YouTube for free and be about the Earth. Well lets see what happens.
Is this a hollow goal or a challenge I do in good time? Let's see.

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Prediction for 2017

My predictions for 2017 are...

The cost of heating your home will be less with electricity than gas before 2018 in many countries.

Virtual reality will dominate entertainment and media.

Small flying robots will put hundreds of people out of work.

There will be many terrorist attacks. Not just radical Muslims. All sorts of angry people will surface with angry agendas.

A new type of battery will emerge that can store high power and is very light and lasts a long time. It will transform the electric car industry.

China will attack another Asian country in the pacific rim over a dispute about a small island.

A very dangerous alien civilisation will learn that we exist because we send them messages. They will have a weapon that is very small but very dangerous but it will take many decades to reach us and their message to us will be "good bye."

Here is a hopeful one...

A medicine is created that can kill all cancer cells

Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Carrie Fisher dies

Well, I wrote my end of year review a bit early this year because Carrie Fisher died. I guess the last few days of the year still have history to yield. Next time I will post my review on the last day of the year. I hope that the family of Carrie Fisher are OK.

I was never a big fan of star wars but must admit that it was a big movie franchise.  It is still strange how so many VIP people died this year. I'd say it was fodder for conspiracy theorists. I just think it is a fluke. One of those years when stuff just happens.

Monday, 26 December 2016

Review of 2016

This year has been the strangest year of my life. The early winter and spring of this Year saw the deaths of many celebrities, David Bowie, Victoria Wood, Prince, Alan Rickman, Terry Wogan, Ronnie Corbett, Paul Daniels and David Guest just to name a few. I particularly liked David Guest, I felt he was famous because he was a likeable person.

In the same spring my Granny passed away with them. I always thought she was a star and larger than life character. I promise to use her name in one way or another. Perhaps to name one of my future children or for an orphanage I may open when I am rich.

I went to Peru to visit my extended family soon after my granny died. I got so see some of peru. It is a very interesting country I must say and I am pleased that the family axcepted my as one of them.

In june I was summoned by my Government to vote in a referendum to choose our status in the EU. As a long term Eurosceptic I voted to leave, the main reason was because I saw the EU trading bloc as a tax evasion scheme for multinational corporations. Knowing Eurosceptics are a minority in Britain, I didn't expect the leave vote to win. But it Did! I guess many Remain voters were too lazy to pause their playstations and walk to the polling booths as they were mostly young people.

The weeks and months that followed were very tense. Remain voters and the mainstream press aggressively mocked the leave voters and categorised them as fools, haters and bigots. At the same time the currency devalued by over 10% because of a drop in investment and racists across the country surfaced and openly attacked foreign nationals. There was huge political upheaval and David Cameron quit as leader. Theresa May took the helm and become the UK's second female prime minister. She fired half the cabinet, I'm guessing because they didn't have vision for a non EU Britain.

The middle east was on fire with conflict as it has been for all 34 years of my life and the many years of my parents lives. This time it was Syria and Iraq at war and there was also conflict in Yemen and Libya. All I can ask is will there be one year when there is no war in the middle east? I stay hopeful. The North East and north West countries blamed each other for making the conflict worse. Somehow I feel the blame goes both ways.

In the Autumn of this year my Fiance came over to be with me and we got married in the winter on the 26th of November. I never married before and I hope this is the first and last time I marry. It is a new experience for me and for her. I was convinced that I would need to take a loan from the bank to pay for my wedding but my family stepped in and helped me greatly. My uncle Kola and Aunty Bola made a very big contribution and even brought in a cocktail maker to make cocktails for the guests. My other uncle flew her from Nigeria just to be at the wedding.

Many celebrities continued to die throughout the year, Vidal Castro the iconic Cuban leader died a day before my wedding and George Michael's died on christmas day.  

The English winter on both sides of the year was freakishly mild, there was hardly any snow or frost. I wonder what would happen if the giant warm under ocean river known as the gulf stream were to shift away from us. We would be in for some very cold winters if it did. It would be very nice if we could store heat from the summer and release it in the winter somehow.

The family vending machine business has doubled in size. But it was small to start with so I am hoping that it will grow very fast from now on.

I am grateful because my family are intact and in reasonable health. I am also happy that I have a chance for a better life and that I am married and with hope will have a new family of my own.

I also hope that we can kill every cancer cell and cure the disease for good. Along with aids and all other lethal diseases.

Review of 2016

This year has been the strangest year of my life. The early winter and spring of this Year saw the deaths of many celebrities, David Bowie, Victoria Wood, Prince, Alan Rickman, Terry Wogan, Ronnie Corbett, Paul Daniels and David Guest just to name a few. I particularly liked David Guest, I felt he was famous because he was a likeable person.

In the same spring my Granny passed away with them. I always thought she was a star and larger than life character. I promise to use her name in one way or another. Perhaps to name one of my future children or for an orphanage I may open when I am rich.

I went to Peru to visit my extended family soon after my granny died. I got so see some of peru. It is a very interesting country I must say and I am pleased that the family axcepted my as one of them.

In june I was summoned by my Government to vote in a referendum to choose our status in the EU. As a long term Eurosceptic I voted to leave, the main reason was because I saw the EU trading bloc as a tax evasion scheme for multinational corporations. Knowing Eurosceptics are a minority in Britain, I didn't expect the leave vote to win. But it Did! I guess many Remain voters were too lazy to pause their playstations and walk to the polling booths as they were mostly young people.

The weeks and months that followed were very tense. Remain voters and the mainstream press aggressively mocked the leave voters and categorised them as fools, haters and bigots. At the same time the currency devalued by over 10% because of a drop in investment and racists across the country surfaced and openly attacked foreign nationals. There was huge political upheaval and David Cameron quit as leader. Theresa May took the helm and become the UK's second female prime minister. She fired half the cabinet, I'm guessing because they didn't have vision for a non EU Britain.

The middle east was on fire with conflict as it has been for all 34 years of my life and the many years of my parents lives. This time it was Syria and Iraq at war and there was also conflict in Yemen and Libya. All I can ask is will there be one year when there is no war in the middle east? I stay hopeful. The North East and north West countries blamed each other for making the conflict worse. Somehow I feel the blame goes both ways.

In the Autumn of this year my Fiance came over to be with me and we got married in the winter on the 26th of November. I never married before and I hope this is the first and last time I marry. It is a new experience for me and for her. I was convinced that I would need to take a loan from the bank to pay for my wedding but my family stepped in and helped me greatly. My uncle Kola and Aunty Bola made a very big contribution and even brought in a cocktail maker to make cocktails for the guests. My other uncle flew her from Nigeria just to be at the wedding.

Many celebrities continued to die throughout the year, Vidal Castro the iconic Cuban leader died a day before my wedding and George Michael's died on christmas day.  

The English winter on both sides of the year was freakishly mild, there was hardly any snow or frost. I wonder what would happen if the giant warm under ocean river known as the gulf stream were to shift away from us. We would be in for some very cold winters if it did. It would be very nice if we could store heat from the summer and release it in the winter somehow.

The family vending machine business has doubled in size. But it was small to start with so I am hoping that it will grow very fast from now on.

I am grateful because my family are intact and in reasonable health. I am also happy that I have a chance for a better life and that I am married and with hope will have a new family of my own.

I also hope that we can kill every cancer cell and cure the disease for good. Along with aids and all other lethal diseases.

Saturday, 24 December 2016

Christmas day

Today is Christmas day, the most important day of the year. The first six hours of this day I am working but the rest of the day and the following 4 days I am off. It is one of the few days of the year where I drink alcohol. I have saved some nice whiskey for when I get home. I will watch TV and be merry.

Today I will be more thankful than normal. I am thankful for life and all the good things that come with it. I am thankful that I am not afflicted with a terrible disease or illness. I am thankful for the creator for making everything. I am thankful that I am not forced by others to do violence. I am thankful for being able to read because reading books is so wonderful and there are so many wonderful books to read.

I have one wish for the year and that is to be rich, not because of greed but because I want to be free of worries and have time to do good deeds. I am not ashamed of wanting wealth because everyone wants it. There are so many things I want to do and so many things I want to accomplish and they all cost money.

If you have read this far then I am thankful to you because this is a part of history. History is not just about the big companies and people but all the people of the world and how they see the world around them and what happens in their lives.

Friday, 23 December 2016

Fibre Optic lamps

Fibre-optic lamps are beautiful, I used small battery powered ones at my wedding. I would love to have a proper mains powered one some time. They work by distributing light through flexible glass fibres from a single light source. They fray and bend slightly creating the affect of a mushroom of floating dots.
I wonder if I can get a large one, hmmm.
The other thing that makes fibre optic lamps so special is that they often have more than one colour.

Today I am grateful for the gift of recognising beauty. When I see beautiful things I feel pleasure. When I see rainbows and snowflakes and fibre optic lamps there is something telling me they are beautiful. How wonderful it is to appreciate all the wonders.

Thursday, 22 December 2016

Music at work

To me it is lame for a company to play music at the work place because music to one person is noise to another. To me, most modern singing sounds like sea gulls flying over a river. Except these sea gulls belch out dirty innuendos in their lyrics. If they don't sound like sea gulls then they sound like people trying to turn into robots, repeating 3 words over and over again with a pixelated voice. Imagine having to listen to that all night long.  Lame for the Brain...

One thing I know will happen is that they won't listen to me because no one listens to me. My government listens to the rich lobbyists, not me.  They say I am angry and irrational but I tell you that I'm not angry, I don't want to waste my emotional energy on them and they are irrational, they dragged the UK into colossal dept despite having one of the largest economies in the world.

I wrote this blog now, how many people are reading it? Hardly anyone. I am so transparent in this world. 

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Shortest day

Yesterday was the shortest day of the year in the UK. The sun went down at around 15:30 and the little daylight that we did have was obscured by the clouds. There was very little light at all the whole day.

From this day forward until mid summer next year the days will slowly get longer than the previous day.

Truck attack

A few days ago there was a truck attack in Germany. A truck was driven into a crowded market place killing loads of people.

Not a good end of the year for them. I won't dwell on what happened but will say one thing. Peace.

At least something worse didn't happen. There was no dirty bomb or mass poisoning. People will do things like that if they have the means because they are convinced that destroying our civilisation is the right thing to do.

I think we shouldn't live in crowded cities. We should spread out and live in subterranean villages that are well space out.

Cities should not exist in this day and age there should be one giant suburban zone through a whole country. Is it just me that thinks this way?

Monday, 19 December 2016

Russia and Turkey

Today a Russian diplomat was shot in Turkey. The guy that shot him shouted out Aleppo the name of the city that was attacked recently.

Many people here in the UK dislike Russia and see them as a very dangerous country with the ability to cause a global nuclear war. I see things differently, I see Russia as a country filled with people like me, people that want to live and learn more. People that wonder what the meaning of life is. People that are not interested in war and are without blame. To me the people of Russia are my brothers and sisters on the other side of the continent and for that reason I have no hard feelings towards them.

I feel that the whole planet is filled with blameless people that have no harmful intentions. It is the people at the top that play the cards.

With hope and good planning I think the people of Earth may avoid wars. There are many things to do on this planet. We need to cure our diseases and stop being a disease to the Earth. And we need the ability to leave Earth if it becomes a hazard zone.

There are so many discoveries to make and so many things to do that I wonder where we find the time to hate at all.

Sunday, 18 December 2016

Make me rich

There are rich people in this world that are grumpy. If their money makes them sad then they should give it to me because I won't be sad with more money.

I would stop worrying about bills, I would nurture my hobbies and would have a large house built and would adopt many children and give them a good life and education and make sure they have a good start in life.

The more money I have the happier I become because I am easy to please and I value the simple things in this world. I am even happy to have a comfy chair to sit on to read interesting books. Even things like that are wonderful to me.

It would not get to my head because I am grateful for everything I receive that is good. 

Saturday, 17 December 2016

First winter as a married man

Last month I got married to my darling Cinthya. The winter has arrived in full force, the last 3 days have been foggy and quite cold. I have a pain in the head just above my left eyebrow for some days now and I'm not sure why, I'll blame the weather.

I am left handed and have never worn a ring before so it took some adjusting but I am wearing my ring every day now. My thinking is different now because it is not about me, it is about us as a pair. 

There are some things that will never change, this blog is my blog and it is my history. All my media creations are still mine but everything else is about us and not me and her. Our time, our recreation, our life plan and our future.

This whole year has been very strange, many celebrities have died and the Eurosceptic community had their say and won the vote to leave the EU, the year is nearly over now. What will 2017 be like? I hope it will be the best year yet.

Sunday, 11 December 2016

Sick again

Last night I went to work but I was still slightly sick. I thought I was OK but I felt terrible. I felt dizzy and had a headache. I was weak and could not work freely.

I carried on working and just hoped it would go away but I didn't. I feel a bit better now, I hope that work will be smooth tonight.

Sometimes I feel like I have recovered when I haven't. The most important thing in this life is good health. If you are sick and tired all the time then your quality of life is reduced.

Friday, 9 December 2016

Feeling sick

Yesterday and today I am feeling very sick. I have a headache and  joint pain plus a very bad fever. I hate feeling sick and weak. It is very frustrating because I feel like a cripple. I can't do anything because I am too weak. I am an active person and can do little else but lay down on my bed. I often wonder how many people were infected by this virus before it got to me.

I know that like me the virus came from a parent virus and that virus came from another virus and a long family tree. I am sure that ancestors of my virus were infecting dinosaurs so in a way I caught the flu from a dinosaur because it was one of the hosts to this virus's ancestors.

But I am still grateful because I can move my fingers and have just enough strength to write this blog.

Sunday, 4 December 2016

I am married

Last week on the morning of Saturday the 26th of November I got married to Cinthya. It was
day after the former Cuban leader Castro died of old age. Getting married is a life changing event and changes the way you interact with the world. I now think of myself as us and not me. I think me and her together with everything because we are one.

There was a time when I thought I would never get married. It seemed like something that would never happen. But it has, I will celebrate my wedding anniversary one month before Christmas.

This is a public blog so I won't say anymore.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...