My predictions for 2017 are...
The cost of heating your home will be less with electricity than gas before 2018 in many countries.
Virtual reality will dominate entertainment and media.
Small flying robots will put hundreds of people out of work.
There will be many terrorist attacks. Not just radical Muslims. All sorts of angry people will surface with angry agendas.
A new type of battery will emerge that can store high power and is very light and lasts a long time. It will transform the electric car industry.
China will attack another Asian country in the pacific rim over a dispute about a small island.
A very dangerous alien civilisation will learn that we exist because we send them messages. They will have a weapon that is very small but very dangerous but it will take many decades to reach us and their message to us will be "good bye."
Here is a hopeful one...
A medicine is created that can kill all cancer cells