Monday, 19 December 2016

Russia and Turkey

Today a Russian diplomat was shot in Turkey. The guy that shot him shouted out Aleppo the name of the city that was attacked recently.

Many people here in the UK dislike Russia and see them as a very dangerous country with the ability to cause a global nuclear war. I see things differently, I see Russia as a country filled with people like me, people that want to live and learn more. People that wonder what the meaning of life is. People that are not interested in war and are without blame. To me the people of Russia are my brothers and sisters on the other side of the continent and for that reason I have no hard feelings towards them.

I feel that the whole planet is filled with blameless people that have no harmful intentions. It is the people at the top that play the cards.

With hope and good planning I think the people of Earth may avoid wars. There are many things to do on this planet. We need to cure our diseases and stop being a disease to the Earth. And we need the ability to leave Earth if it becomes a hazard zone.

There are so many discoveries to make and so many things to do that I wonder where we find the time to hate at all.

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