Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Old game on the phone

When I was a young man a bought a computer game called
"Roller Coaster Tycoon," I think it cost me £35. I was addicted to it because it was like SimCity, but you build theme parks. The view was the same, you look down on your creation at a 45-degree angle. It had dialog boxes that allowed you to design the rides and customize everything. It was a never ending game because you keep building the park and all the footpaths and control everything.

I discovered the other day that it has become available on the android play store. So now the game can be played once again on the phone or tablet. The company that makes it is called Atari.
Everything about the park is controlled by you, the prices, colors, layout, staff, everything.

I am thankful for this wonderful memory. I hope to have much more in the years to come.

Friday, 24 February 2017

Voice setback

My voice isn't working well today. It sounds very rough. All the coughing I did during the week must have bruised it. I tried to make a video today but my voice was too bad. I will try again tomorrow.

I was thinking about the future. It would be so nice if I could build my dream house. I will keep my chin up today and hopefully I will make progress in work, media and business. The trio I am pushing towards.

I would also love to have 2 dogs, Pricard and Laforge, the names of my two favourite star trek characters, not bad for dogs names.

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Power lantern

I am surrounded by a fog, this is not a fog that makes the light opaque. It is not a fog that makes the air look like fabric. It is a different fog. A fog and breaches the gap between my mind and my goals. A fog created by the world that doesn't value my mind, where my creations are not valued.
My mind is a lantern that never stops shining.
My lantern isn't powered by a wick and oil pot, or a candle or light bulb. It is powered by my willpower and my desire to keep going.
My lantern will stop shining when my body drops and dies. Until then it will keep shining. The question is, will it outlast the fog? Will the fog fade before my lantern is gone? I hope so.
I am grateful but please clear this fog and bring value to all my creations. And don't let my efforts be for nothing.

Bad and Good

Two bad things happened recently that have a good side.

We were slow to get places for all the machines. But the three machines left all have coin mechs so when I change the coin plates over with those machines, I can take them from the machines that are not out and change the places 3 or 4 at a time. In other words, I can use the parts to the unused machines to make the coin change smooth.

I also had a virus and felt very sick and lost all my strength but that inspired me to change my video template for my radio show because I had time to think about things. I usually don't give myself much time to think about the present but I was forced to because I was too weak to do anything else. If I didn't get sick then I would not change the template.

There are two sides to a coin and every cloud has a silver lining. sometimes the silver lining is not visible, sometimes it is.


When a car pushes in front of me on the road I imagine that it is money going into my bank account because road rage is good for no one. There is no point being angry. A jerk is not going to stop being a jerk. Literally, every car that shoots past me at 15 miles an hour above the speed limit is like a pound coin flying into my account. I am a slow driver so I get many imaginary pounds.

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

A dream

I have a clear dream for a home. If I was wealthy I would have a custom designed house built. The house would have a porch that circles the whole building. Every 2 or 3 meters of the porch would have a very comfortable bench to sit on. The leading edges of the porch would have ceramic troughs with plants growing out of them. At the front of the house, there would be a small garden.

The house would have 2 floors just for bedrooms, there would be over 20 bedrooms. The reason I would have so many bedrooms is because I would adopt 10 children or one new child every 2 years and also I would want rooms for other family members and visitors and my own children.

The house would sit on a man-made island on a man-made pond. So it would look like it had a moat around it but it would widen at the front and back. There would be a bridge at the front and back. The bridge at the back would be a car ramp that leads into the basement. The basement would be 2 floors below ground and would be like a car park. The bridge at the front would be a foot bridge.

It would have a guest lounge, kitchen and dining room on the ground floor. The Second and Third floors above are for bedrooms toilets and bathrooms. and a residents lounge in the middle. The first floor would have a small gym, man cave, dance floor, and cinema. The roof would be flat with solar panels suspended above it. The floors would have water tanks between them that store rainwater to use for flushing toilets and showers. The porch roof would have a running track on top that would start at the small Gym.

The pond would be filled with fish and be a welcome place for ducks and other wildlife.

Sunday, 19 February 2017

Wife gratitude

Having my new wife living with me has been a breath of fresh air because she is one of the few people in this world that actually listens to me.

The depth of my transparency was very evident today because on Saturday I caught my brother's respirator​y virus, I'm not sure if it was a strong cold or weak flu but it makes me weak. I said that I was sick and without asking what was wrong or even trying to diagnose my issue I was told I drink too much coffee and that is why I am sick. My sickness was blindly blamed on coffee and my symptoms were not requested. That is how transparent I am. Even when I am sick can't say anything.

My brain is wired differently to everyone else. People laugh when they see a man falling into water but I don't. People expect me to find Comedy movies on Netflix funny but I don't. They are boring to me and they are not funny.

The irony is that even this blog is largely ignored by the living. I believe that more people that are not born yet will read his blog than the present living community. Especially if this blog can persist many years after I have passed on.

I am grateful for my wife because it is so nice to be in love with a woman that listens to me. I hope we will live together for the rest of my life.

Saturday, 18 February 2017

Another day

I am still optimistic about the future. I hope to be a rich man soon. Yesterday my child cousin Toni had a birthday party. I came along with the rest the family, I was worried that I would not get any sleep before I went back to work.
I slept in my dad's car. An observation I have made is that the local counsel ignored my concerns about the road layout were I live. There is a long road that is two way and it is narrow and there is nowhere to pull over. It is very long and cars get trapped on the road.

Friday, 17 February 2017

Back seat office

There are two places that seem to be affected by my thoughts, the end of my street and the card stand at my work place. When I think of something it appears in those places. It is always about 10 meters from where I often reside.

I call these points thinking points. This sounds silly but it seems true.  The end of my street people fly tip waste there. The waste is often related to things I was thinking of. I was thinking about a computer and a computer appeared. I feel like everything is connected in some way.

Today I learned that the back of my car has more leg room than the front, I found that I can use it as an office when I need do things on my phone, like write my blog when I am waiting for my work to start.  I also found an old Bluetooth keyboard in my room. The bluetooth keyboard works very well with my phone.

I am grateful for the back seat of my car because it is my first office and I will do many things with it.

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Is it just me

I often wonder what is the point of everything. Why are we here? Why do we exist. If I die and loose all memory of my life then my life would be pointless.
Without a purpose life is worthless. This time of year is very empty.

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Five to Ten pound

The combined commission from all my publications has reached £5 (five pounds). My videos and blogs have generated the five pounds because people visit them and see the advertisements. I am grateful for strangers, family and friends for reading my blogs listening to my radio and watching my videos. I have now set a goal of double that amount. I am to make £10 as quickly as possible. Then I will aim to make £20  then £40 then £80 then £160, £320 and so on.

I have changed my cover page to the image of a ten pound note because I vision my commission becoming 10 pound. Ultimately I would like the commission to be more than my income from my job. But I must take the stairs without jumping.

I am grateful that  people are reading my blog and watching my videos because I am proud of my creations. When I have finished my second book, thousands of people will be able to see it.

Once again I say thank you because I value everyone that likes my creations.

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Game memory

When I was a young boy I would play a Ms-Dos game on my Dad's computer called Captain Comic. It was a side-scrolling computer game and you would collect itinerary to enhance your gameplay, there were all sorts of strange creatures in the game and different places behind different doors, I loved to play it because it was as good as games got in those days.

If I made my own computer game I would make a top-down side-scrolling computer game. By top-down, I mean that you are looking down from above the way you do in sim city. But the itinerary panel in the bottom corner would look the same. The panel above would be used to show interaction graphics like if you met a person on the ground, their face would appear where the health and fire panel bar is. The game would be more of a quest or puzzle based game.

I am grateful for my imagination because it comforts me all the time. How wonderful it is to lie down and be absorbed by your imagination instead of by stress and concerns, I  am thankful for these gifts.

Sunday, 12 February 2017

New niece

A few days ago on the  11 th of February at about 04:10 in the morning, my brother's wife gave birth to their third child. She was a girl and they called her Zoe.
The day before a BMW drove into the back of my car, but no Damage was done.
I am hopeful that Zoe grows into a healthy girl.

I am grateful for my wife because she is my future and we may be able to have our own children in the near future.

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

strange world, hmm

What a strange world we live in, a world where a man can have a flat phone battery and people question his manhood. People can be so annoying. 

Some people laugh really loud when you are trying to sleep and talk very loud, It is like they are deliberately trying to stop you from sleeping

And then, without realizing that you have a very clear business plan in place they get angry that you are not looking for a better Job. It is like they want you to turn your back on your small success because they think it can't grow bigger than any job. 

People like that will playfully mock your diet without realizing that you find it really annoying because they do far it too many times. 

And if your opinion is slightly different to theirs then they talk over you and try to make you shut up even if they asked you for your opinion in the first place!!! 

I'm sure such a person would raise their voice for very little reason, just leaving a cup on a table can cause some people to yell really loud. 

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Voting regret

I voted for the mayor for London Sadiq Khan  because he had a similar background to me and I was tired of rich guys at the helm blowing all the money on shiny projects that bring me no benefit.

I wish I didn't vote for him now because we are both on a different page. He is a Remainer and I am a Brexiteer. There are so many things I would do if I was the mayor that would make life very easy for the people of London. Like make a micro tram that goes on the cycle lanes and carries passengers single file along the roads.

Back seat driving is always easier than the real thing, so perhaps I am a little too naive.

It is fun to think of solutions to problems in my head.

Monday, 6 February 2017

5 cent

I have made 5 cent on you tube. Most people would look at that and say that is terrible. I think  not!

I have about 20 subscribers, If I had 1 million subscribers then I would get 50,000 times that amount. That would be $2,500 dollars per month. That would be more than my income, even if I changed that money into £s.

Even if I have half a million subscribers, my lifestyle would change a lot because that means I would have a large income. I don't give up and will get half a million subscribers on my channel and more and more.

I am grateful for this five cent and all 50,000 five cents that will follow it every month in the near future.

Saturday, 4 February 2017

Sweet Memory

When I was a young boy I remember my Dad took me to Chessington Zoo. Chessington Zoo is more like a theme park than a Zoo. It was filled with rides and there were 3 rides I really liked. I liked the log flume, the 5th Dimension, and the Bubble works.

The log flume was a small narrow boat that would float along a narrow channel in fast moving water. The one in Chessington would go into a dragon's mouth. While we were in the dragon we would be in darkness. Then the boat would drop down a slope. It was very fun to be on.

The bubble works was also a boat ride but we would go through a slow moving ring boat. It was beautiful because we were taken through a water display and we were surrounded by music light and water.

The 5th Dimension was an animatronic si-fi ride, you were taken to and small vehicle and shrunken. Then taken on an animatronic quest to kill the gorg, a beast of some sort.

I am grateful for all my wonderful memories.

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Feeling angry but alive

I hate feeling angry but I often feel transparent and worthless. Sometimes the only Comfort I have is my dreams and ideas. But I will never give up. I will find people that are just like me and flood the internet with my creations until people that are like me discover them and join me.

I know I am different to other people because the things I find interesting are boring to others.  and my jokes are not funny to others but they are funny to me. People show me videos that they say is funny but I don't find them funny. Most TV shows are very boring to me.

Most people are not interested in my media but there are people out there that are like me.

I am grateful because I have something inside to give me comfort.

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Playing Hugo

When I was a young boy I remember turning on my Dad's Computer and playing a game Called Hugo. It was a DOS game, a game designed to run on the command prompt on the old MS-DOS operating system.

In the game you would type out commands on the keyboard and Hugo would do what you asked him to do, only if he recognized the command. I loved playing that game because it was so fun. The whole game was like a puzzle. I think the aim of the game was to rescue Penelope from the dungeon under the Evil house.

The game started with Hugo standing in front of a creepy house, you would type out commands to help him get into the house. The Name Hugo has been taken over and used for other computer games. Although I never completed the game I have fond memories of playing it.

Today I am grateful for all the nice memories I have of playing puzzle games as a young boy. They are wonderful.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...