Thursday, 23 February 2017

Bad and Good

Two bad things happened recently that have a good side.

We were slow to get places for all the machines. But the three machines left all have coin mechs so when I change the coin plates over with those machines, I can take them from the machines that are not out and change the places 3 or 4 at a time. In other words, I can use the parts to the unused machines to make the coin change smooth.

I also had a virus and felt very sick and lost all my strength but that inspired me to change my video template for my radio show because I had time to think about things. I usually don't give myself much time to think about the present but I was forced to because I was too weak to do anything else. If I didn't get sick then I would not change the template.

There are two sides to a coin and every cloud has a silver lining. sometimes the silver lining is not visible, sometimes it is.


When a car pushes in front of me on the road I imagine that it is money going into my bank account because road rage is good for no one. There is no point being angry. A jerk is not going to stop being a jerk. Literally, every car that shoots past me at 15 miles an hour above the speed limit is like a pound coin flying into my account. I am a slow driver so I get many imaginary pounds.

Blog Archive

One Third of January

One third of January passed by already, it seemed like yesterday that we were setting up the Christmas  tree at the start of December. The i...