Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Princes Diane

This week is the 20th anniversary of princes Diane's death. My people were overcome with grief when she died but I wasn't​. There was a mass mourning that wouldn't​ be out of place in North Korea. I was sad she was dead but I wasn't overcome with grief.

I didn't hate her but she was a stranger to me. She was not part of my family or my friend circle. David Guest died in 2016 and I felt more sadness for him because I liked his character more and would feel amused by his jokes. I think some people that grieved the death of Diane we're more touched by her death then the death of their own granny.

I feel like the reason for the big reaction was because her life was very much in the public domain. The news papers would publish everything about her life. She was vulnerable and behaved in a way that many people would relate to, she was a do-gooder and kind. People felt pride, pity and familiarity for her so her death became personal to them, like the loss of a sister or aunty.

I wonder if our Queen will receive the same reaction when she eventually dies. I love my Queen because she loves the UK and I can relate to her outlook. She is proud of our country and speaks out about all the good things. She is like a third Granny to me. When her journey has finished, will we feel sadness? Will we be overcome with grief like princes Di? We will see. I know I will shed a tear because she is the only ruling monarch I have known all my life.

Sunday, 27 August 2017

Strange comfort

One thing I have found is that the more vlogs I make on my page, the more people stop following it and leave.

I thought that I would feel rejected and sad if such a thing we're to happen. But  what really happened was I was visited by a deep calming logical thought process. It showed me that the reason they were leaving was because they were on the wrong page, perhaps those people were looking for pages where people overreact to things, or hold cats or do funny things. My blog page is a formal blog, it is not there to make millions of people laugh. It is there to bring thoughts reflections of our world into the public domain, mostly in a formal way. The page is there to visit thoughts and search for gratitude and try to be positive about life.

Those people were not interested in that so they were on the wrong page. Today I am grateful for the comforting logical mind that inhabits us all.

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

A new first

Yesterday, on the 22nd of August, I recorded, edited and produced a video entirely on my
Phone for the first time. The video was about a tea candle blimp that I was attempting to make. The media was created, edited and uploaded to social media entirely on my phone, with no help from my desktop computer. I have been uploading Vlogs from my phone for some months but they were raw unedited videos.

The smart phone is the most versatile tool I know of and the versatility list just got bigger. It will change the way I produce media because I will create more things in my down time (time spend waiting or lying down in bed)

My creations will persist on social media platforms for a long time. How long I don't know but I am sure they will outlive me.

This milestone event in my life comes shortly after the death of Bruce Forsyth and the muting of Big Ben. During the stand off between America and North Korea. It is like a glimmer in the dust. A silver lining in the clouds.

I am grateful that I have a powerful computer in my pocket that helps me to get by and that it didn't cost much money, just over £100.

Sunday, 20 August 2017

Bruce is Dead

Bruce Forsythe​ died earlier this week, I feel a little bit sad because although I never knew him I would watch him on TV and be amused by his charisma. He had a very unique voice and spoke in an upbeat way.

He had a collection of phrases he would use like...

Nice to see you to see you, nice.


What do pounds make ? Rich people !


Did he or she do well !


Play your cards right ! Just to name a few.

He is definitely part of my world. It is a shame.
He is a great guy and he will be missed.

Saturday, 19 August 2017

Barcelona van and white supremacists

Earlier in the week I discovered that a van was rammed into a crowd of people in Barcelona. I was disappointed that there are silly fools that think they are doing a good thing. They are being taught to hate people that are not like them. They think they are serving a higher being but they are not, they are just being controlled like puppets that can't think for themselves.

There was also a white supremacist march in USA. I felt sad because all those people are filled with fear and hate. They are imprisoned by their ideology. A fully grown man does not have long to live, perhaps another 50 years. Why would you want those 50 years to be spent venting out hate and fear. There is too much to do in this world.

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Pacific fire

I have noticed that north Korea are threatening USA with missile strikes in Guam. I sense that the outcome could be grim if there is a war.

I think that North Korea is not a threat to America but I think that going to war could lead to more tensions later in the decades ahead as shifts in agenda and control could lead to a much bigger conflict between world super powers.

I hope that things calm down soon. I think that if they are left alone they won't bother anyone. They don't come across as expansionists although the regime is very grim for those that live there.

I am grateful that so far there is no Pacific war in this decade. Will the waters calm down?

Friday, 11 August 2017

July in Peru

Last month in July, I spent 3 weeks in Peru with my wife and extended family. Her family treated me very well and made me feel welcome. They fed me very well and made me feel relaxed.

I admired my new parents, they have a lot of integrity and good values in the world and work very hard and are very intelligent. I hope to return to Peru with a new member of the family soon and make them proud.

While I was there, I celebrated my birthday and two other family members birthdays. I also celebrated our wedding and a family members graduation. There was at least one celebration every week I was there.

My parents came to Peru a week after me and I felt happy because they came into my world. Peru is a part of my world because I have been there before and it is my wife's country. We all stayed in the north of the country where very few English people go to so me and my Parents have been to a place where very few English people have been. They came all the way there just because of me. Flying to Peru takes more than 12 hours from the UK because it is more than 5,000 km away on the Pacific rim in South America.

Peru is a beautiful country that is filled with mountains and arid fields, desserts and a rich history. There are also green valleys and tropical plants. There are countless sites and artifacts left behind from the Inca civilization. I spent most my time in chicklayo, a small city with a population of roughly one million people. There are no trains in chicklayo but there is a small airport and thousands of affordable taxis that move through every corner. The buses in the city are all private companies. The center of the city is fairly neat.

The main dish in Peru is ceviche or potatoes dishes mixed with salad. And they have many varieties of sweet corn.

Monday, 7 August 2017


One thing I have noticed about the world I live in is that there is very little respect.

When I am in the supermarket I find used tissues left on the shelf. The used tissues are crumpled in a way that suggests they were used to clear the nose. They put it on the shelf next to food. This is discusting and very disrespectful to others.

I have also noticed that in the news, people are turning to acid to harm others. I feel shame for my community because this is a deed that is very far below standard human values.

Another thing I have noticed is that people don't respect other people's​ taste in media. One could be watching a video and be mocked and forced to change the video by friends or family. I like mysteries but sometimes a mystery could come across as negative, the trouble is other people won't understand why I am watching it and they may mock it and change it infront of me, this is so rude and disrespectful. The person on the receiving end of an encounter like that would feel depressed because they want to have a little bit of respect. At least just to be able to watch a 10 minute video without people mocking it and interrupting it.

Imagine also offing to help someone get a phone and then they turn to someone that lives far away because they don't value any of your advice. The rejection is very painful and makes you feel sad because you know a lot about phones but your vast knowledge of phones is rejected.

It is better to live in a world with no light than to be openly mocked and rejected for everything you think and do. A world were there is no people is better than a world with people that make to you feel like trash.

I am grateful that there is hope for happiness, if I find tranquility and joy I will treasure it more and a man that always had it. I am reaching out for the joy zone. The place where I don't feel rejected and disrespected.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...