Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Princes Diane

This week is the 20th anniversary of princes Diane's death. My people were overcome with grief when she died but I wasn't​. There was a mass mourning that wouldn't​ be out of place in North Korea. I was sad she was dead but I wasn't overcome with grief.

I didn't hate her but she was a stranger to me. She was not part of my family or my friend circle. David Guest died in 2016 and I felt more sadness for him because I liked his character more and would feel amused by his jokes. I think some people that grieved the death of Diane we're more touched by her death then the death of their own granny.

I feel like the reason for the big reaction was because her life was very much in the public domain. The news papers would publish everything about her life. She was vulnerable and behaved in a way that many people would relate to, she was a do-gooder and kind. People felt pride, pity and familiarity for her so her death became personal to them, like the loss of a sister or aunty.

I wonder if our Queen will receive the same reaction when she eventually dies. I love my Queen because she loves the UK and I can relate to her outlook. She is proud of our country and speaks out about all the good things. She is like a third Granny to me. When her journey has finished, will we feel sadness? Will we be overcome with grief like princes Di? We will see. I know I will shed a tear because she is the only ruling monarch I have known all my life.

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What February 2025 Means To Me

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