Thursday, 30 November 2017

What November means to me

It is the last day of November and I am looking back at the month, I will remember November 2017 as the month I left London. I wanted to leave London for a long time and now it has finally happened. I never liked London, I felt that it is overcrowded and the community is cold and impatient, they drive aggressively and everything is overpriced. It is also the Month president Mugabe stepped down as president of Zimbabwe. Mugabe left the leadership cabinet at the same time I settled down in my apartment. I refuse to judge Mugabe as a leader and wish all the best for the people of Zimbabwe. 

It was also my first anniversary in marriage, I hope to be reunited with my wife soon. There have been many rivers to cross and many have been crossed. I am a loyal husband and I wait for the door to open. I can do nothing else now but wait and pray.  
This month I learned something about myself. As I age, I have become less judgemental of other people and more interested in learning new things. I am different to other men, I enjoy being on my own. I feel happy just learning new things. I don't need other people's company. I never look at sports, I really don't. I feel like I was born on the wrong planet like I don't belong here because the way other people value things is different to me. When I turn on the BBC  I player I find that everything on there is very boring to me. I don't feel entertained by people singing and dancing on TV. I am happy just to quietly read and drink coffee. By moving out here I feel like I can be myself because the things that are interesting to me are very boring to others. 

The only thing that connects me with the typical man is a love of computer games. I hope to get the Lastest Nintendo Switch soon and go out on virtual quests and missions. 
To me, reading is the most satisfying thing I can do and nothing else is as important. and I can listen to endless youtube debates about mysteries and historical events without boring other people. 

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

My world so far

One role that I feel I should take up for the rest of this decade and the twenty-twenties decade is to observe my reality and record it. If I am lucky I will get an engraving machine and cut my writings into metal or stone plates that could be stacked into an obelisk and show future generations what life is like for an ordinary man and what ordinary people think.

In this time, people's skills are still required but they are slowly being replaced by machines. I don't know if it is just me that thinks this but I'm sure that machines don't buy things. I live in a capitalist society that relies on consumers buying things. If all people's jobs are replaced by machines then there are no consumers and no business. The action of businesses automating everything could only lead to their end. One system could thrive in a maximum automation society and that is communism. Money is worthless if it is not circulated so a society with no Jobs can't be a capitalist one in my opinion because people won't buy many things if they don't have a job.

The governments of the world are very hostile to other places and they have powerful weapons that can be used however they don't represent humanity because almost all people on earth have no desire for war. When I talk to other people I ask their opinion about other societies I get the same response, we don't view other people in other places as enemies.

The media and news make the Russians and North Koreans look like evil despots but people like me have no hate or bad views of these communities. I have no hate for North Koreans or Russians. I see them as my brothers and sisters.

I hope I can stick with this project and record history throughout the twenty-twenties, twenty-thirties and beyond.

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

New life

I have settled down in my new home outside London. I still commute to London for work and business but London is not my home anymore. I live in a small commuter town that is a 30 minutes drive from the city, beyond the proverbial wall of London known as the M25 ring road. I am now prepreparing for my wife to join me and to create happy memories.

London has a powerful effect on the whole southern side of the Island. It is very hard to ignore. All the road signs point to London. All the train lines go to London. everything around here points to London. The geopolitical and economic gravity is felt everywhere around here. I think my island should not be like that, I think that the UK should be more balanced. It should not have a big mega city that controls everything but lots of small cities that are well developed with good transport links.

One thing I have learned about living far from my family is that you can be very focused and get things done when your only company is yourself. I am very focused on building a good future and working very hard.

I am grateful for this new life and hope for happy memories.

Thursday, 16 November 2017

Bubble works

When I was a young boy in the 1990s, I was taken to Chessington Zoo. Chessington zoo is like an amusement park with rides and attractions.

There was a dark boat ride in the park called Professor Burp's Bubble works. It was a fantasy boat ride through a soda drink factory. The boats were round and could hold about 5 people. The ride was filled with animatronic displays and lights. At the end of the ride, we were sent through water fountains that had multi-colored lights shining through them, very beautiful. It was a ride I would go on twice.

Looking back, I thought it was a very clever ride because it could take many people on board and was like a conveyor belt. filled with entertainment. It was very successful and the queues were very long. The structure of the ride is still used to this Day after all those years but the theme and design of the ride are different and it has a different name.

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

5th Dimension

When I was a young boy, my parents took me to Chessington Zoo, We went on a Dark ride called the 5th Dimension. It was a sci-fi adventure on a train inside a cavity with no sunlight. On this ride, we meet an animatronic robot call Zapponatic. He was a robot that repairs things I think. In this fantasy world, we were given the mission to kill the Gorg, A Gorg is a huge monster that was terrorizing this world. Zappomatic was our guide and would give us a heads up on what was happening.

I learned recently that the ride was a commercial failure because it didn't attract very many visitors. I was surprised to learn about this because I remember the ride blowing my little mind. and I found it more entertaining than the other rides. I do remember the ride having very short ques. I think it was ahead of its time and perhaps going on a virtual Quest wasn't important to young kids back them.

Now virtual reality is starting to catch on, perhaps people will value the ability to go on a virtual Quest and have a little fantasy adventure.

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Virtual Pet

I was a young teenager in the nineteen nineties and one thing that was very popular at the end of that decade was the Tamagotchi, virtual pet. I had a virtual pet myself but it was not a Tamagotchi. It was an imitation virtual pet. The internet was around at the time but it was dial-up so modems would make strange beeping and hissing noises. I associate the hissing and beeping sound of the old dial-up internet with virtual pets.

I loved Tamagotchis because they were small and the best thing you could put on a keychain. You looked after a digital pet using a few small buttons that controlled a menu.  the digital pet was made of little black dots. I think the screen was a black and white LCD  and I think it was less than 50 pixels across. This may not sound like much but you could do a lot with just a small amount of pixels.

Virtual pets were addictive because the pet would grow and develop and you would interact with it and play a role in its development.

Sunday, 5 November 2017

London Exodus

This week I am moving home. I'm moving to a small town beyond the M25 ring road, the proverbial wall of the city.

I am joining thousands of people and leaving London because the living costs of the city are inflating too high.

I hope to build a new life with my wife in a sleepy westward town.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...