Wednesday, 29 November 2017

My world so far

One role that I feel I should take up for the rest of this decade and the twenty-twenties decade is to observe my reality and record it. If I am lucky I will get an engraving machine and cut my writings into metal or stone plates that could be stacked into an obelisk and show future generations what life is like for an ordinary man and what ordinary people think.

In this time, people's skills are still required but they are slowly being replaced by machines. I don't know if it is just me that thinks this but I'm sure that machines don't buy things. I live in a capitalist society that relies on consumers buying things. If all people's jobs are replaced by machines then there are no consumers and no business. The action of businesses automating everything could only lead to their end. One system could thrive in a maximum automation society and that is communism. Money is worthless if it is not circulated so a society with no Jobs can't be a capitalist one in my opinion because people won't buy many things if they don't have a job.

The governments of the world are very hostile to other places and they have powerful weapons that can be used however they don't represent humanity because almost all people on earth have no desire for war. When I talk to other people I ask their opinion about other societies I get the same response, we don't view other people in other places as enemies.

The media and news make the Russians and North Koreans look like evil despots but people like me have no hate or bad views of these communities. I have no hate for North Koreans or Russians. I see them as my brothers and sisters.

I hope I can stick with this project and record history throughout the twenty-twenties, twenty-thirties and beyond.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...