Thursday, 30 November 2017

What November means to me

It is the last day of November and I am looking back at the month, I will remember November 2017 as the month I left London. I wanted to leave London for a long time and now it has finally happened. I never liked London, I felt that it is overcrowded and the community is cold and impatient, they drive aggressively and everything is overpriced. It is also the Month president Mugabe stepped down as president of Zimbabwe. Mugabe left the leadership cabinet at the same time I settled down in my apartment. I refuse to judge Mugabe as a leader and wish all the best for the people of Zimbabwe. 

It was also my first anniversary in marriage, I hope to be reunited with my wife soon. There have been many rivers to cross and many have been crossed. I am a loyal husband and I wait for the door to open. I can do nothing else now but wait and pray.  
This month I learned something about myself. As I age, I have become less judgemental of other people and more interested in learning new things. I am different to other men, I enjoy being on my own. I feel happy just learning new things. I don't need other people's company. I never look at sports, I really don't. I feel like I was born on the wrong planet like I don't belong here because the way other people value things is different to me. When I turn on the BBC  I player I find that everything on there is very boring to me. I don't feel entertained by people singing and dancing on TV. I am happy just to quietly read and drink coffee. By moving out here I feel like I can be myself because the things that are interesting to me are very boring to others. 

The only thing that connects me with the typical man is a love of computer games. I hope to get the Lastest Nintendo Switch soon and go out on virtual quests and missions. 
To me, reading is the most satisfying thing I can do and nothing else is as important. and I can listen to endless youtube debates about mysteries and historical events without boring other people. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...