Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Sega drop

When I was a young man, Sega was in the console industry. They were making and selling machines that play computer games, but at the turn of the millennium they had some bad luck and decided to leave the console market and just make games.

I Blame the switch from 2D to 3D partly for their bad luck because the rules for fun are different in 2D and 3D. In 2D it is all about completing the level and scoring points and avoiding death.

In 3D gaming fun is more about exploring and going on quests or missions and finding things. When SEGA first went 3D, their games were rigid and inflexible. They litterally made their 2D games into 3D ones. They were in my opinion very linear.

Like all extinctions in this world, there is more to their back luck than that. They eventually cleaned up the problem but the other games consoles had their best run at that time. Xbox had Halo, PlayStation had a powerful hand held, and Nintendo had many party games for the family and groups.

I think the last Games console they made was called the "Dreamcast" and I think it was in many ways the best console but the previous console they made, Sega Saturn had damaged the companies image and poisoned the marketing for the Dreamcast.

I often wonder what it would be like if Sega was still in the console industry today. If they didn't make those bad decisions. Perhaps in an alternative reality or in the future Sega will be making games consoles once again.

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Russian Fire

Earlier in the week a supermarket in Russia burned up. I feel sad because being burned to death is the most violent way a human can die in this world. Every nerve ending in the person's body maxes out on pain and every cell is eventually destroyed.

My thoughts are about hell when these things happen. In Christianity and Islam and the Jewsish faith, they teach about eternal punishment for people that lived a bad life or turned away from the creator.

I learned that when people go to hell they are burned in torment forever. To me this is not fair because our life is short but hell is eternal. Why should a person be burned in hell forever when their life is so short. The deeds of just 20 years of life could be punished for thousands of years. This doesn't make sense to me.

Afterlife is such a mystery to me. I hunger for knowledge like I hunger for food. Sometimes the hunger for insight is more than the hunger for food.

This blog entry is not mocking the creator but asking for insight. It is a genuine request for understanding about life and death and all the mysteries that come with it.

I send my love to all those families in Russia that lost loved ones.


Saturday, 24 March 2018

Passport blues

A few days ago I learned that Therasa May gave the British passport making contract to a French company.

I felt sad because it is the government's job to look out for the people and to try to keep people in work.

If the reason she did it was to save money then I would question that because about 33% of British workers income goes into tax through VAT on their shopping, counsel tax, income tax, fuel duty and various other taxes. We are all paying loads of tax without realizing it. If all the staff loose their jobs then whatever money she saved will be lost in paying income support to the redundant workers and not receiving their tax contributions, so if a there is a public service industry like a passport factory then why don't we make sure it is British?

I hope she changes her mind and gives the contract back to De La Rue.

I want to know the reason she is giving the contract away to a foreign company.

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Butterfly Effect

There is a theory called the Butterfly effect. It is a theory that very small things have a very big effect on big events. The main example of this is that the air pressure from the flapping wings of a butterfly can cause a hurricane on the other side of the planet though a series of chain reactions.

I can think of many examples myself, I could ask a driver for directions and cause that driver to avoid a traffic accident because a speeding car was due to hit the car but I caused it to be late for the event. Or the opposite could happen.

Our life is a long series of chain reactions and I often wonder what the world would be like if I wasn't born because I know that I leave a trail of small chain reactions that go around the planet many times.

For example, I could ask a doctor if cooking oil causes cancer, my question causes the doctor to remember that his oil needs changing in his car. The doctor then goes to a garage to change his oil and meets an old friend at the garage. They decide to meet up for a meal. The doctor and his friend bring their children. The children meet at the restaurant and fall in love and get married 2 years later and have one kid.

Now if I didn't ask the doctor if cooking oil causes cancer in this scenario then the doctor would go to the garage later in the week and would not meet his old friend and their children would not meet and they would not get married and his grand child would not be born. This is a bizzar story but that is how life works. Everything is connected and there are countless chain reactions to seemingly simple things. 

I hope that I leave a positive chain reaction behind me. And if you were wondering, yes perhaps this entry could cause a butterfly affect. Perhaps it may effect people that are not born yet. Well I would say, "Be Good".

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Life is a mystery

I woke up early in the morning and I looked out into the darkened room. A thought came into my mind. Why am I here? Why am I alive and what is the purpose of my life?
Don't get me wrong I am grateful for life but I am lost in the mystery. The mystery of existence and consciousness is so deep that I can't grasp it with my simple mind.
If you know me you will know that I don't ask rhetorical questions. I hunger for insight, I hunger for answers.
I want to know what my purpose is and why I am here. What is my destiny?

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Salisbury poisoning

At the start of the month a former spy of the Soviet Union and his daughter was poisoned by a nerve toxin that is developed by Russia.

The UK government was quick to blame the Russian government for the attack but the British community remember the Iraq war cries at the turn of the millennium so many of us didn't want to jump to conclusions.

I can't help but think the attack was personal because the Russian spy was a double agent and caused many Russian agents to be imprisoned in the UK. I think that a disgruntled agent made the poison in his home because the poison is designed to be made with ordinary ingredients that can be bought in a shop. Many agents would know the ingredients to the poison. The traditional poison used by Russia is usually radioactive or Risin because it continues to poison your tissues until it is removed or you die so it is more effective.

Based on my limited knowledge of the case I would say the poison was made inside in the UK in the home of an agent. However, I am not saying the President Putin is not connected to it. Perhaps he likes it when "accidents happen to traitors" so to speak. But I chose to keep a hung verdict.

My hope is that the UK and Russia put their differences behind them and learn to be Brothers in toil. That is my dream, I want Russia and UK to be friends and connect through trade and progress and to be a peaceful family on this continent. 

Monday, 19 March 2018

High street trouble

In my lifetime I have seen the high Street change a lot, many high Street shops are closing down or have closed down.

I remember Woolworlths when I was a young man and northern rock. Recently BHS closed down and now toys r us and Maplins are facing problems. Many smaller shops have disappeared. When I walk out on the high Street  I see boarded up shop fronts everywhere.

In my opinion, the cause of the sickness is greed, the internet and local authorities not listening. Let me explain, the rent charged to shop premises is increasing so they can't compete with the internet because they are forced to increase their prices to pay the rent.

Bying things on the internet is cheaper than in the shops because internet shops avoid many costs like high Street rent and staffing costs.

The other problem is the local authorities, they make it hard for motorists to access the high street, they are quick to charge motorists for parking near the shops and don't provide any free parking so they are doing a bad job.

I don't know what the high street will look like in the comming decades but I hope they do something because the closure of the shops is a loss of jobs.

Saturday, 17 March 2018


In my time, personal vehicles run along the ground. They don't fly. In my homeland, cones are placed on the road when a portion of the road is going to be dug up for maintenance or to fix infrastructure below. The cones are made of plastic and tell the drivers that they can't drive there. They are like boundary markers for no go areas.

The problem is that sometimes the cones are placed on the ground too long before the maintenance starts, so the road can have cones on it for days or weeks without anyone touching the road. This is very frustrating for motorists.

For the past month I have been annoyed because cones we're placed on the slip road for  junction 3 of the M40. This means all vehicles are forced on to the outside lane when they join the road. I don't like being forced into the outside lane, especially when the road has not been touched for a long time.

Spring on ice

It is the start of Spring here in the UK and it is snowing again. The temperature has dropped and there are many accidents on the road. I mentioned before that it snowed in spring in 2008 and I remember it well. One thing that is very outstanding about my Island home is that it is very dark here. The sky's are often full of clouds so if you are one of those people that don't like the sun then England is a good place to be.

It is st Patrics day today and also my Parents birthday. I hope to catch some quality family time today and really setttle down a bit.

Today I have learned 2 things. The poison used on the Russian agent is called Novichov. It is a poison that attacks the nerves. I also learned that if I eat a large portion of pasta before work then I don't need to eat at work, I'm guessing that it turns into a paste and expands in my stomach.

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Steve and Ken Rip

Earlier in the week Ken Dod died, he is a famous English comedian. Today Steven Hawking died, He is a world famous physics professor. He is said to be an equivalent to Issac newton or Albert Einstein.

I remember a famous experiment he tried where he held a party for time travelers and sent the invitations out after the party had finished. No one came so he concluded that time travel was impossible.

I remember his insight into Black holes and Hawking radiation and theories about the big bang. I remember the warnings he gave about artificial intelligence and trying to contact alien civilisations. Mostly I remember a man trapped in a crippled body that needed a machine to speak but had a strong mind that made the best of his bad luck.

Bit by bit my little world is falling into an oblibion but the truth is it was set that way from
the beginning. I was always aware it would be like that. Famous people I know are dying as they age. Rules are changing and the culture is changing. The world I am living in is unrecognizable to my younger self.

I am grateful I don't have motor neurone disease because it is a crippling and life shortening state of existence and can leave a person a prisoner in their own body. Steven Hawking had the disease and he contributed a lot to society but I imagine that his life must have been very hard.

Saturday, 10 March 2018

Suspected Russian Poisoning

Last week a former Russian spy accused his state of poisoning him.

My view of the Russians is the same, I see them as my brothers and sisters on the other side of the continent. I have nothing else to say. The Russians are like me, they want a happy outcome and a bright future. They are ordinary people just like me.

It is the ordinary people like myself that have no interest in war or hate that will make the world a better place to live.

The future belongs to the blameless person. I don't know what else to say. I always feel like we are forced to think a certain way and are controlled by others but eventually it will be the blameless man that brings good fruits into the world.

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

If I was rich

I am a guy that tries to make every day count. I have beautiful dreams. Many rich people in this world are very miserable but if I was rich I would be happy.

Firstly, If I was a made man (rich) I would nurture all my hobbies, because I would have all the time in the world to do them.  I would come to the golf course regularly and also the bowling alley. I would build beautiful models of buildings and draw beautiful pictures. I would create so many beautiful things. At the moment I am stuck with just making blogs and models.

I would have a big house built and foster many children and give them a good life. I would pay for tutors to teach them and take them to theme parks every weekend and be a positive force in their life.

I said this before but it is true. There is so many things to make and create and being rich is a vehicle to make it happen.

I create this blog and art and various other things. Every day I live in this world could be my last day so I try to make the day count.

I am thankful for my working mind and good health. I am lucky so far in life because I am able bodied and all my dreams are still alive. I am waiting for insight from the Glorious Creator of the universe and hope that many good times will come. I hope the 2020s will be a fantastic decade.

Saturday, 3 March 2018

Warming to a new hobby

I'm looking into a new hobby or 2. I will say no more than that. Things are starting to warm up a bit which is very good.

I hope this new hobby lasts as long as this blogging hobby. Creative hobbies are the best and creating things in my mind is the best thing to do.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...