Saturday, 24 March 2018

Passport blues

A few days ago I learned that Therasa May gave the British passport making contract to a French company.

I felt sad because it is the government's job to look out for the people and to try to keep people in work.

If the reason she did it was to save money then I would question that because about 33% of British workers income goes into tax through VAT on their shopping, counsel tax, income tax, fuel duty and various other taxes. We are all paying loads of tax without realizing it. If all the staff loose their jobs then whatever money she saved will be lost in paying income support to the redundant workers and not receiving their tax contributions, so if a there is a public service industry like a passport factory then why don't we make sure it is British?

I hope she changes her mind and gives the contract back to De La Rue.

I want to know the reason she is giving the contract away to a foreign company.

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One Third of January

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