Thursday, 22 March 2018

Butterfly Effect

There is a theory called the Butterfly effect. It is a theory that very small things have a very big effect on big events. The main example of this is that the air pressure from the flapping wings of a butterfly can cause a hurricane on the other side of the planet though a series of chain reactions.

I can think of many examples myself, I could ask a driver for directions and cause that driver to avoid a traffic accident because a speeding car was due to hit the car but I caused it to be late for the event. Or the opposite could happen.

Our life is a long series of chain reactions and I often wonder what the world would be like if I wasn't born because I know that I leave a trail of small chain reactions that go around the planet many times.

For example, I could ask a doctor if cooking oil causes cancer, my question causes the doctor to remember that his oil needs changing in his car. The doctor then goes to a garage to change his oil and meets an old friend at the garage. They decide to meet up for a meal. The doctor and his friend bring their children. The children meet at the restaurant and fall in love and get married 2 years later and have one kid.

Now if I didn't ask the doctor if cooking oil causes cancer in this scenario then the doctor would go to the garage later in the week and would not meet his old friend and their children would not meet and they would not get married and his grand child would not be born. This is a bizzar story but that is how life works. Everything is connected and there are countless chain reactions to seemingly simple things. 

I hope that I leave a positive chain reaction behind me. And if you were wondering, yes perhaps this entry could cause a butterfly affect. Perhaps it may effect people that are not born yet. Well I would say, "Be Good".

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What February 2025 Means To Me

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