Thursday, 31 May 2018

What May means to me

May 2018 was the Month when a mixed race American actress married a British prince and became a dutches. It was the latter part of spring. I was happy for them. The weather was improving from the colder spell earleir in spring. I wish the best for Meghan and Harry.

This month will be remembered as the month I was reunited with my wife. And all the tention and stress that came with it was released. I was worried that the reunion would be foiled in some way but everything fell into place in the end.

This was also the month my Dad had a landmark birthday and turned 70. We celebrated in reading city in the center of south England in a beautiful hotel. My wife was reunited with other members of my family. My neices and Nephew once again enjoyed the company of my wife.

One thing I have learned from my Dad is to stand your ground and never give up. My Dad faced many adversities in his life but he stood his ground and never gave up. That is one of the many beautiful gifts that was handed to me. The strong attitude to keep your chin up when adversity and difficult times are present.

There were many challenges this month but I don't want to share them on this entry because it is a private matter. All I will say is it was a bitter test of my patience.

The Irish voted to abolish their anti abortion law this month. I'll give my insight to this matter in another post.

I will be grateful for my Dad and my reunion because I could have been handed a different plate. I am a lucky Man.

Wednesday, 30 May 2018


Last week I was reunited with my wife Cinthya. I felt some weight fall of my shoulder, I was waiting a long time on my own and wondered how long I would wait.

Finally, I am back together with the woman I love. Later in the week my wife was reunited with the rest of my family on Sunday at my Dad's landmark 70th Birthday.

While my wife was on the way here, the Irish we're voting whether to abolish their anti abortion law and the exit polls suggested that they voted in favour to abolish anti abortion.

My wife came to be with me in between the Royal wedding of Harry and Meghan and my Dad's Landmark birthday.

I am thankful to God for this wonderful breakthrough.

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Maglev dream

If I would build a railway, I would make the trains slow and steady. If you have fast moving trains then you can have fewer trains because they need space for safety. I would still use levitation trains because maintenance and friction is reduced so the costs would be low.

I would also make the trains thinner so more lines could be added for extra redundancy.

You see in my world, levitation trains are slow and steady and easy to maintain. Less wear and tear.

Saturday, 19 May 2018

Road Rage & Royal wedding

If you know me, you will know I am a slow driver, well by slow I mean I follow the speed restrictions. Today I got angry at a driver that accelerated towards me from behind and tailgated me, I gave him a special hand signal when he eventually passed by. I thought that if I was deaf and he was deaf I could have a whole argument without ever leaving my car, unfortunately I can only signal two or three words with my hands. I must try and be level headed next time and not react. People that drive like that will punish themselves anyway when they get penalty points on their license and they will crash their car.

Today there is the royal wedding of Meghan and Harry, the British Royal family is growing at a steady rate. I wish Meghan and Harry a happy marriage. Nice to have an American in the family. I hope the Queen doesn't get too stressed, she is very old.

If I have one advice for any parent it would be to never compare your children. It has a very negative effect on the person listening. I think if a child is compared to their brother or sister then eventually they will learn not to listen at all because they don't want the emotional toxic poison in their head. If you have a problem with your kid then tell the child, but don't say "why can't you be like you brother or sister" that is very bad and the outcome would be negative. Especially if that child is older because that is very humiliting. I think the big problem with this world is no one has anything nice to say they just complain all the time about small things that sometimes are not important and they forget that they are talking to a human being with feelings.

Thursday, 17 May 2018

Observations for mid May

It is half way through May 2018 and summer is very close. The world cup is around the corner.

For the past three months the slip road at junction 3 on the M40 was under maintenance. The first month they didn't touch the road, they just put cones on it. I guess things are slower outside London.

Another thing I have observed is that Facebook is bringing out phsycopathic behavior and turning people into heartless jerks. I saw a video of a man that was caught mastebating onto an inflatable doll in his car. I was angry because I didn't want to see that and because unessesary shame was brought onto the man because the video was exposed to the public community.

The person that filmed the man and shared the video is a jerk because he brought unessesary shame. It reminds me of the story of Noah in the bible. When the flood cleared, Noah's family drank wine but Noah became drunk and accidentally exposed himself. The son called Ham tried to laugh and mock his father's embarrassment but the sons Japheth and Shem covered him to protect his honour. Ham and his decendants were cursed because of his disrespect to his father and they became slaves. If you mock and increase a person's embarrassment then you are like Ham. If you try to stop a person's embarrassment then you are like Japheph or Shem they we're blessed with riches.

If you see videos on social media that cause unessesary shame to a person then you should resist it and push it away and correct the person that is sharing it. Tell them to be decent and not bring shame to another person. That is the truthfull way I think.

My gift

This blog or text library is a gift. It is a gift for my decendants and all other people in the future. It is also a gift for me in the future. My ancestors left me with a mystery. I don't know very much about them or what they value. But I will leave behind a bigger gift. And I intend to print this entire blog and also engrave the text of this blog on to physical tablets like stones or metal sheets.

You are reading this now but you are receiving my thoughts. I am writing down my thoughts and my reality but only things I am comfortable to share with the public domain. If you don't like my writings or are not interested then I won't be offended and I won't know. But if you want to read the thoughs of a man that lived at the turn of the millennium and perhaps you are a relative of mine then I feel welcome to read through it.

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Smelly coffee

I know I am different to most people in this world because I value different things. There is an experience that is so good if you value it.

There was a library that had plastic moulded seats and steal legs that double as reinforcement for the chair, they were thin metal bars bent into an "N" shape. The library had a strong smell of old books. When I was at University I would study computer programming. I would print out example computer codes on my printer and look at the code and be focused. I would do this sitting in the library. I would sit in the smelly library and drink a smelly coffee from Burger king. The coffee had no milk or sugar, it was smelly and strong and I loved drinking it while I was lost in detail. Looking carefully line by line to understand everything.

To me that was pleasure. I loved being lost in work and detail. Not in stress but in focus. The library is gone now, it moved down town. It was called gayton library.  I often wonder if librarys will still be around in the future or if they will just be part of something else or phased out.

I loved reading books for free and librarys were filled with them.

Sunday, 6 May 2018

Eating veg

The UK government is trying to get young people to eat more vegtables. I eat more vegtables now then ever before because I am aware that my body is slowly aging and I like cheap food.

I am starting to get gray hairs and small wrinkles and marks on the side of my face from years of sun exposure. I know that if I don't take care of my diet then I could compomise my health. I accept that my body is a machine that wears down over time but a bad diet would make it worse. If my diet was worse then I open the door for diseases like heart problems or diabetes.

The thing is, cooked vegtables taste nice because they absorb the spices that you put on them and they have a nice texture, and they are very cheap. I don't understand why people don't just eat vegetables all the time. That is what I do now. I use olive oil for the stir frys and it is still cheap.

Even in a supermarket, vegtables are cheap. A carrot costs about 10p per unit on average and an onion costs £7p per unit. Broccoli flowers cost about 50p but they are good for 4 or five portions. I cut broccoli into 4 pieces and use one piece each day.

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

What April means to me

This month has been an emotional month. My Aunty Winfrey died, she was nearly 100. I have happy childhood memories of visiting her house. I am hopeful that she is reunited with all those love ones she lost through her life and I hope she is in a paradise where she will never suffer again.

One of the biggest barriers that stopped me being an acting Christian is my anger towards Moses for killing is own people for deviating from the will of God. I often prayed and asked why he killed the people that were worshipping their own gold that had shaped into calf.

I think I received the answer the day before my auntie's funeral. The answer was that God knows the future. The Creator knows what would happen if he didn't make that command. If Moses had not done that then even more people would be killed. The Jewish race would have been destroyed by other civilisations if they changed their beliefs. I had a vision of a father cutting his sons leg off with an ax and me being angry at the man for doing that, only to find that the leg was trapped and the tide was comming in. The father knows that if he does not cut the leg off with the ax, his son will drown. The father was saving his son's life but I didn't understand because my mind can't see with that depth.

I had another vision of a world without the Jewish race. In this world they had just ended world war 9 and were trying to keep the number of world wars in single digits. I saw that it was the Jews that were being used by God to save his creation from destroying itself. They were filling the world with enlightenment and thinking about peaceful benefits. A world without Jews is a world where evil rampages everywhere. Jesus himself was a Jew.

I often see a vision of clay. To this day I don't understand why but I feel like God is trying to tell me something. I beg for insight. I must search for it.

I saw Hell, it is real but it is not hate, it is a quarantine to keep all the wicked people that reject God away from the rest of creation. People suffer in Hell because they are burned by their own evil. Their evil manifest into burning fire and pain but it stays there with them. We destroy ourselves with our evil so we need help to be restored, but it is through choice.

I am returning to a being that hates sin and repents and forgives people that do bad to me. My faith is returning to me and I am turning back into a Christian. A man that forgives and loves and has faith that he will be restored because of Jesus and his resurrection.

I was waiting for a verdict from the government and I got a positive verdict. I won't say more about it now.

April has been a very cold month but it is spring and summer is around the corner. I hope this spring will be the best ever.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...