Thursday, 17 May 2018

Observations for mid May

It is half way through May 2018 and summer is very close. The world cup is around the corner.

For the past three months the slip road at junction 3 on the M40 was under maintenance. The first month they didn't touch the road, they just put cones on it. I guess things are slower outside London.

Another thing I have observed is that Facebook is bringing out phsycopathic behavior and turning people into heartless jerks. I saw a video of a man that was caught mastebating onto an inflatable doll in his car. I was angry because I didn't want to see that and because unessesary shame was brought onto the man because the video was exposed to the public community.

The person that filmed the man and shared the video is a jerk because he brought unessesary shame. It reminds me of the story of Noah in the bible. When the flood cleared, Noah's family drank wine but Noah became drunk and accidentally exposed himself. The son called Ham tried to laugh and mock his father's embarrassment but the sons Japheth and Shem covered him to protect his honour. Ham and his decendants were cursed because of his disrespect to his father and they became slaves. If you mock and increase a person's embarrassment then you are like Ham. If you try to stop a person's embarrassment then you are like Japheph or Shem they we're blessed with riches.

If you see videos on social media that cause unessesary shame to a person then you should resist it and push it away and correct the person that is sharing it. Tell them to be decent and not bring shame to another person. That is the truthfull way I think.

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...