Tuesday, 1 May 2018

What April means to me

This month has been an emotional month. My Aunty Winfrey died, she was nearly 100. I have happy childhood memories of visiting her house. I am hopeful that she is reunited with all those love ones she lost through her life and I hope she is in a paradise where she will never suffer again.

One of the biggest barriers that stopped me being an acting Christian is my anger towards Moses for killing is own people for deviating from the will of God. I often prayed and asked why he killed the people that were worshipping their own gold that had shaped into calf.

I think I received the answer the day before my auntie's funeral. The answer was that God knows the future. The Creator knows what would happen if he didn't make that command. If Moses had not done that then even more people would be killed. The Jewish race would have been destroyed by other civilisations if they changed their beliefs. I had a vision of a father cutting his sons leg off with an ax and me being angry at the man for doing that, only to find that the leg was trapped and the tide was comming in. The father knows that if he does not cut the leg off with the ax, his son will drown. The father was saving his son's life but I didn't understand because my mind can't see with that depth.

I had another vision of a world without the Jewish race. In this world they had just ended world war 9 and were trying to keep the number of world wars in single digits. I saw that it was the Jews that were being used by God to save his creation from destroying itself. They were filling the world with enlightenment and thinking about peaceful benefits. A world without Jews is a world where evil rampages everywhere. Jesus himself was a Jew.

I often see a vision of clay. To this day I don't understand why but I feel like God is trying to tell me something. I beg for insight. I must search for it.

I saw Hell, it is real but it is not hate, it is a quarantine to keep all the wicked people that reject God away from the rest of creation. People suffer in Hell because they are burned by their own evil. Their evil manifest into burning fire and pain but it stays there with them. We destroy ourselves with our evil so we need help to be restored, but it is through choice.

I am returning to a being that hates sin and repents and forgives people that do bad to me. My faith is returning to me and I am turning back into a Christian. A man that forgives and loves and has faith that he will be restored because of Jesus and his resurrection.

I was waiting for a verdict from the government and I got a positive verdict. I won't say more about it now.

April has been a very cold month but it is spring and summer is around the corner. I hope this spring will be the best ever.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...