Tuesday, 5 January 2021

Winter Lockdown

It is the start of 2021 and the Pandemic infection of 2020 is still here and is more efficient at infecting people, there is two vaccines available, the astra Zenika one that is made in Oxford, it doesn't need to be stored below -70°c. We also have the Pfizer one. Britain was returned to lockdown for 2 months because the hospitals are  being overwhelmed. My country is fighting a more efficient version of Covid19 with a lockdown and mass vaccinations. 

Lockdown messes with people's head because we don't know if our job will persist  or if we will get sick and our freedom to move about for liesure is taken away. I miss going out to places and mingling with my extended family and friends. I miss walking around a shopping mall and sitting in a cafĂ© and drinking a super strong coffee. This pandemic has made me more interested in virtual reality. In virtual reality you can play golf with your friends in a quaint golf course with perfect weather every time free of charge. In virtual reality you can go into cartoons and look around. You can go to places that are Normally off limits  like Buckingham palace or hostile exoplanets. There are countless worlds to explore in virtual reality and there are countless quests. At the moment my only virtual reality is through my phone using a headset that holds the phone in place and has special plastic lenses. There are specially designed systems available and even rigs that let you walk around without actually moving( like a treadmill). 

Virtual Reality is the new social breakthrough. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...