Wednesday, 10 November 2021

Happy thoughts

There is a lot of chaos all around us and life is sometimes very hard. I thought it would be a good idea if I share a thought process that helps me get through the day. The way I think gives me comfort because it displaces sad thoughts. It consumes my mind and takes away space for unhappy thoughts. 

A snapshot of a thought inside my head, a energy machine that doesn't work. 
What I do is make machines inside my head. This machine doesn't work, there is a bottleneck in the design that stops it from working, I try very hard to solve the problem but I will only really have hope if I can build a prototype. Then I dream of being free to build prototypes, I need the space, tools and time to do it. I have none of those things. I have no space, time or tools to build things like that. 

This thought process would probably fix rich people's problems as well because some of them feel hollow or bored with their success according to their auto biographies. If I was rich I would never be bored or hollow inside because I would see my wealth as a tool to do my hobbies properly. I would have a workshop where I build test rigs and experimental machines. I think some wealthy people are unhappy because they try to get joy from buying things but the real joy would be from what you do not what you have. You would get bored with a mega Yacht or a farrari eventually but you won't get bored with a hobby that you are passionate about.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...