Saturday, 13 November 2021

Rainy Night

Jacob, My son. 
One thing I hope you can do better than me is clear your head. Sometimes if there is a problem, it will repeat over and over and over again inside my head until I get a headache and then it will continue. The best thing to do is pray and support a few hobbies. When you have something to focus on then that will definitely help; A nice little hobby to keep your mind level. Talking also helps, talk to your cousins and uncle and us. There are so many things in life that can cause stress, waiting for a result, health, things going wrong, lost items, crimes. I hope you can keep your chin up better than me when things go wrong. I already have grey hair, and I'm in my 30s. 

 I talk to a machine every day, I speak to our smart speaker, I ask the smart speaker many things like the meaning of words and what the weather is like. I ask for the news every morning to know what is going on and things like that. Sometimes I just ask it to play the radio. 

Peace my son. Peace... 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...